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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINDOWS="execute" /execute /fastdetect


Right click my computer and go to advanced-startup and recovery manually edit your boot.ini. Copy this under the operating systems list, then "save as" change to all files and name boot.ini. You can boot regularly still also so it wont hurt anything unless you mess up editing the boot.ini. Don't replace the regular winxp entry just enter to make a new line and paste. Where it says partition 2 above change that to partition 1 if your windows is c drive, mine is d.


It may not be that though since I can run 280 on regular xp. It turns off data execution prevention. I couldn't use a 9x multi until I did this. The system would just hang right before boot.


BTw you can totally hose up your windoze if you don't do this right. As long as you don't delete the normal winxp entry from the list though you will be fine.

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Guest laydback

I guess I cant post in the ocdb, I just read you have to leave it running for 8 hours and I stopped it at 6, doh!



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Weird, same thing is happening with mine. It is rock solid at 3036 at 1.54V. At that settings it is prime stable for 12hrs+ and cool (load is 42C). Now, if I even increase the FSB from 276 to 277 (3049Mhz), prime95 will crash instantly. Increasing the vcore to 1.70V will not help.

I would think that it would run a little and crash but nope, crash instantly once I turn prime on.

I have tested the memory and it will go past 290Mhz. Even then, I have tried to use dividers, no help.

It is either the Opty or the motherboard.

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Weird, same thing is happening with mine. It is rock solid at 3036 at 1.54V. At that settings it is prime stable for 12hrs+ and cool (load is 42C). Now, if I even increase the FSB from 276 to 277 (3049Mhz), prime95 will crash instantly. Increasing the vcore to 1.70V will not help.

I would think that it would run a little and crash but nope, crash instantly once I turn prime on.

I have tested the memory and it will go past 290Mhz. Even then, I have tried to use dividers, no help.

It is either the Opty or the motherboard.

I can't even get into windows with the extra 1MHz

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