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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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WOW, never knew that, not that im doing it now but i used like the idea of supercool CPU with high speed mem


good to know


its weird because my 165 is set to 1.475v yet it runs 29*C idle with my 7700cu, how is this even possible? temps are correct too

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Interesting thread.

It sure makes you wonder about some of the guys that said the board killed their CPU doesn't it?


No, the recent CPU kills were at everything stock. Apparently on preproduction sample boards, too.


However, there is the unrelated phaenomenon of memory controllers going bad. Not killing the CPU but causing the CPU not to be able to drive low-voltage memory at speeds where they used to do it. That might very well be caused by this, IMHO.


In any case, 1.45 Volts CPU core would properly guard against this damage if the above linked threads is right.

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