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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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Guest LithoTech
Well not sure, maybe it has something to do with the type of sensor (brand of motherboard). I have only adjusted adding or substracting with other motherboards, not with my DFI since I never used MBM with it.


I am buying a Logitech G15 just to monitor the temperature while in a game, since SLI doesn't let me use dual monitors... at least I know MBM5 works with it, thats the reason I am interested in MBM5 again :)


You won't regret it. I got mine with Xmas money, actually for the macro keys. I had no idea MBM worked with the LCD at the time.


Now, I use the macros daily for a few things but not like I imagined I would.


But the LCD, I couldn't live without it now. :)




I do have a few other apps set in it, but very rarely change out of MBM. Between this readout and the logisys front panel, I know my temps and fans no matter what I am in or doing. I have the second and third pages for MBM set to be more voltage specific and ram specific. respectively.


It's the (can we say) cat's rear!



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You won't regret it. I got mine with Xmas money, actually for the macro keys. I had no idea MBM worked with the LCD at the time.


Now, I use the macros daily for a few things but not like I imagined I would.


But the LCD, I couldn't live without it now. :)




I do have a few other apps set in it, but very rarely change out of MBM. Between this readout and the logisys front panel, I know my temps and fans no matter what I am in or doing. I have the second and third pages for MBM set to be more voltage specific and ram specific. respectively.


It's the (can we say) cat's rear!



tell us about this......how did you get it all hooked up


[edit] WTF is that a keyboard :eek2:

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First things first...awesome website with tons of great info. I have spent about 20 hours reading everything here and need to ask a few questions that I just can't answer myself or find info on. FYI, this is my first PC build and first OC.


I'm following 'The Definitive DFI A64 Overclocking Guide' the best I can on my nF4 SLI-DR w/Opteron 148 Venus CACJE.


I'm on the first step, finding the max MHz of my CPU. For all of the results I am about to post, the following are unchanged on every run:


CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio: 11.0

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio: 2.5x

DRAM Frequency: 100 MHz (DRAM/FSB: 1/02)


The results are in the following format: Vcore/FSB Freq/Result


1.40v/200/Pass SuperPi 32m

1.40v/215/Pass SuperPi 32m

1.40v/230/Pass SuperPi 32m

1.40v/235/Pass SuperPi 32m

1.40v/240/SuperPi 32m Loop 23 Error


At this point, my logic was to increase Vcore to get to higher FSB's:


1.45v/240/Booted into WinXP ok, didn't run SuperPi

1.45v/245/WinXP error recoveries on boot


Now, I'm thinking up the Vcore some more...


1.50v/245/Booted into WinXP ok, SuperPi 32m error


So if I up the Vcore a little more, will SuperPi pass?


1.55v/245/WinXP Registry error on boot


OK, so I'm thinking the higher Vcore's just aren't working out, so I go back to ole' reliable 1.45v and go down from there:


1.45v/244/Rebooting on its own repeatedly

1.45v/243/SuperPi 32m error

1.45v/242/SuperPi 32m error

1.45v/241/SuperPi 32m error

1.45v/240/SuperPi 32m pass, OCCT fail

1.45v/239/SuperPi 32m pass, OCCT fail

1.45v/238/SuperPi 32m pass, OCCT pass


That is where I am at; I'm running Prime95 tonight. My questions are:


1. Is my approach correct?

2. Doesn't 238 seem low for a max MHz?

3. I'm still on stock BIOS. Do I have to flash to another BIOS to maximize my TCCD? Did I just spin wheels on all of the above? It was excellent training, even if I'm way off.


Thanks in advance, and sorry if all of the answers to this are elsewhere, in which case you should flame away, but hopefully give me the link.

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First things first...awesome website with tons of great info. I have spent about 20 hours reading everything here and need to ask a few questions that I just can't answer myself or find info on. FYI, this is my first PC build and first OC.


1. Is my approach correct?

2. Doesn't 238 seem low for a max MHz?

3. I'm still on stock BIOS. Do I have to flash to another BIOS to maximize my TCCD? Did I just spin wheels on all of the above? It was excellent training, even if I'm way off.


Thanks in advance, and sorry if all of the answers to this are elsewhere, in which case you should flame away, but hopefully give me the link.


yes 238 is low most can hit 2.7 and that is low...

try om;y one stick of ram...... it could be your 4 sticks are imiting the mem controller on the cpu... maybe


aslo what are your temps under load??


oh and YES update you bios... they is a great CD around here that you burn as an ISO and it has lots of great bioses, biosi??? (dotn know if that is correct for plural:D) and it has its own flasher... it really is great.

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Guest LithoTech
tell us about this......how did you get it all hooked up


[edit] WTF is that a keyboard :eek2:


The easy question first :) Yes, it's a keyboard, the Logitech G15. Here's another shot of it (older pic, old computer):




another closeup:




Getting MBM to show up on the LCD is as easy as downloading MBM2G15.exe and configuring which data you want it to pull from MBM. The code for the main page I use looks like this:


CPU:#0T° Vreg:#1T° nF:#2T° GF:#24T°#Ncpu: #0F nF: #2F top: #1F#NCore: #0Vv #Cmhz Load: #0C


There is a ton of other stuff for it, Fraps has a working beta which is great, Teamspeak and Ventrilo will show you whos talking, lots of great stuff. Still, no one has figured a way to make the numpad work as a calculator with it yet. :/ I could sure use that for dividers, or at least until I get a CPU with a 10x multi :D


The Logisys front panel display I just got recently. I was spending so much time in memtest with no idea of my temps, I decided to try one out and if it worked OK I would sleeve it and use it as a removable tool for my kit that I take to jobs. I'd get another one for a permenant home in my case.


So it works great! Wires are a bit long for sleeving, use a fair bit of material. It's back in my case for now, where it stays unless I really need to take it out. It's still temporary, but a bit of a pain to put in only because I haven't properly finished my cable management yet.


Here's a link to a bunch of pics of various stages of the sleeving and finished product. Hope you enjoy!




The exact product name is a Logisys FP206 Digital Thermal Controller. I liked it over some of the other brands because it had three thermistor sensors as opposed to two, and CPU mag did a recent write up on it so it must be half decent. :)

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