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Is there a reasonable gaming LCD?


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Are there any 17 or 19 inch LCD's that you can suggest that play games well and don't cost a fortune?

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I can vouch for the Samsung 915N. I've setup three of them since Katrina and they are magnificent.


Like AG said, nothing will beat a CRT at the same price point, you can't imagine just how good the 915N is until you set it up and tweak the display settings.


The Samsung 915N is my next "mad money" buy.

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is there any downside to not getting DVI input or is the input just preference with no real performance benefits either way?




this is what I have...took me about a week or two to get used to it...but now I love it so much I could never go back to CRT (CRT still refreshes better/faster, but cannot match the clarity/brightness of this LCD for text to me)

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