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How Stable Is This?

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I've got my 2.6 running at 3.19 or so, it's got a vcore of 1.55 and a 245FSB. It'll run Prime95 torture tests for 7 1/2 hours and at vcore of 1.525, for 5 1/2 hours. Should this (7 1/2 hours) be considered stable enough to move on? or shoudl i keep upping the vcore until it never fails.

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i guess it is all personal preference. if your comp can handle everything you do on an everyday basis, then you might call it stable enough. i used to do 24hrs of P95, but have decided that it takes too much away from folding right now :lol: so i settle for 12hrs and running folding for atleast a week :P . the majority of the programs out there will not stress your components as much as P95 does, so if your system can handle p95 for long periods of time, you're pretty much set. so do whatever makes most sense to you and consider what apps and progs you will be running on your setup when deciding whats stable enough.


p.s: if you are stable for 7 1/2 hours right now and you increase your processor's frequency, your system will probably be flaky when you run P95 and recieve an error fairly soon unless you increase your vcore as well.

Edited by Trakfast11

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*kicks his pentium 1.8* i got it to 3.2 ghz lol before miracle cpu? i will like interchip watercooling to make the temperatures stable lol. 79 celcius aint stable at 3.2 lol. I havent booted it up at that temp for more then 1 minute. Ill get there some day, and relise its unstable and wont load windows 3/4 of the time past 3ghz <_

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so um, basically you just run it too high...and you don't want to admit it? nice ;)


that's a good overclock though


i have a 2800+ (2.08 ghz) and i can't really get it past 2.4 ghz stable. I have to keep it at a high vcore to even run that 1.85v.


my mobo (a7n8x delux) won't give me a higher vcore, so i can't up the fsb anymore. =(

Edited by blippy

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