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nF4 Memory Advice (updated 14/11/06)


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really getting sick of this now.....but anyways, i guess its worth the wait..


I have been configuring a system for nearly a year now...and for the last about 5 months, i have been trying to find the right RAM.......really cant get the hang of this one....


my initial choice was the crucial ballistix, but people said that its not recommended anymore (quality gone bad)...so which module should i get now...


my only requirement is the price tag...cant be more than about $120...$130 tops !!...other than that, people recommend me the best that i can get...


i have been recommended g.skill, and mushkin....but i dont know on what basis has this recommendation been made...so plz tell a newbie (like me), why u r recommending, what u r recommending :)


also, i wud really appreciate it if u can give a direct link to a module on say, newegg...makes my job a lot easier


the RAM is the only thing between me and my dream PC, for the last 5 months !!

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Its never easy, look through the OCDB with the same combo like your mobo/cpu. Even then, there is no guaranty that it will work as well as what is achieved on the OCDB. Like cpu's, rams also behave differently, there are so many varying reasons for that. Be it the cpu/mobo/bios combo. But if you look through the forum, you will find that OCZ is favored for the fact that it not only works great with the DFI, we've got a couple of their reps here to help with problems.

In a current sutiuation, a 2GB ram is recommended.

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hm...so OCZ is preferred.....do you have any good suggestions for OCZ, that fall in my price range ($120-$130) ??? Also, right now I would really go for 1GB...and then add another 1GB when i feel the need....this is cuz i am really limited on the cash factor....


thirdly, how r g.skill, geil, and mushkin compared to OCZ ??

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For that price, this will be better for a bit more.




Many have had great results with the GSkill and Mushkin. Here is a thread on the Gskill.





good choice....but its a bit outta my budget...but still i will keep it in mind :angel: ...


any other suggestion ???


also, is g.skill supposed to be good, when compared with other brands ?

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