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nF4 Memory Advice (updated 14/11/06)


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i cud only find this,...which is $159 and still waaay out of my range....any other gud choices ??




$159 for 2Gb of DDR500 RAM is out of ur range? i can understand converting USD to ur currency can be such a huge amount, but maybe u should cut down the budget for the CPU and gives the Opteron the memory it deserves ;)


if ur gonna overclock at all, having 1Gb of RAM is pretty much out of the option unless u wanna get 1-stick 1Gb, so u can upgrade with anotehr stick later on. Those are pretty cheap.


and the price difference between DDR400 and DDR500 is slim to none. if not negative.


u really really have to re-consider ur budget allocation for ur PC :D

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$159 for 2Gb of DDR500 RAM is out of ur range? i can understand converting USD to ur currency can be such a huge amount, but maybe u should cut down the budget for the CPU and gives the Opteron the memory it deserves ;)


if ur gonna overclock at all, having 1Gb of RAM is pretty much out of the option unless u wanna get 1-stick 1Gb, so u can upgrade with anotehr stick later on. Those are pretty cheap.


and the price difference between DDR400 and DDR500 is slim to none. if not negative.


u really really have to re-consider ur budget allocation for ur PC :D


hes right. 80 bucks per 1gb stick (and from a good vendor to boot) is what i call dirt cheap, considering i paid 135 per stick for my ballistix.


if you want 2gb, look to generic memory. if u go to a store and ask for examination, u may find that it has good chips. for example, my generic stick of 512mb uses tcc5 chips on a brainpower pcg. :D


its either a high end pair of 1gb modules or u pay slightly more for 2gb. since most 1gb sticks run for at least 90 dollars, the 2gb gskill is excellent. other than that, its any gskill 512x2 sticks for tccd memory, but taking this path is not a recommended thing to do.

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4 sticks=2t=possible problems...


if you want excellent timings, the hard to find due to death ballistix pc4000 1gb sticks do great... mine can run ddr400 @ 2-2-2-5..


Yes, they do not make them anymore. Killed mine less than a month ago, just got the replacements. I was told personally by Mike Condrack, the Sales Rep, that my set will be replaced by an infferior set and I was bummed. Lo and behold I have a package waiting for me here at home and this is what is inside. :D:D:D









as it is shown on the cpuz shots that the only difference between the two is the serial numbers.

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Yes, they do not make them anymore. Killed mine less than a month ago, just got the replacements. I was told personally by Mike Condrack, the Sales Rep, that my set will be replaced by an infferior set and I was bummed. Lo and behold I have a package waiting for me here at home and this is what is inside. :D:D:D









as it is shown on the cpuz shots that the only difference between the two is the serial numbers.


wtf by an inferior set? oh damn!! i hope mine last. so far so good, a bit over 3 weeks now for my set.. which inferior set would they be offering? and they still sent u some regular good ballistix?


and how come ppl are still gettin regular ballistix replacements from crucial then?

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Yeah, this is what I was told would be the repalcement for the RMA...




I called Mike, the sales rep, but he was not in at the moment but talked to a nice lady. Sent him an email. I was really bummed out and bought a bargain from Newegg. All in all, popped it in 5 hrs ago and ran memtest with the 305 x 9 at a 180 divider and no errors till there was a power outage 20 minutes ago, thus turning off the system. :D

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I had to RMA my Ballistix kits twice before I got all good ones... and they don't sell the 2GB kits anymore... When working the Ram is awesome, with 2GB only I got it to 3-4-4-8 288 mhz (DDR 576) and also 2-2-2-5 201 (DDR 402) with 2.84v and 2.8v respectively with no special cooling and memtest/prime stable... They give you lifetime warranty and the customer service is definately one of the best I've ever delt with. I hear OCZ is pretty good and matches very well with the DFI boards.


Hope this helps.

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Yeah, this is what I was told would be the repalcement for the RMA...




I called Mike, the sales rep, but he was not in at the moment but talked to a nice lady. Sent him an email. I was really bummed out and bought a bargain from Newegg. All in all, popped it in 5 hrs ago and ran memtest with the 305 x 9 at a 180 divider and no errors till there was a power outage 20 minutes ago, thus turning off the system. :D


so they offered u crap but they sent u the real deal?? thats funny.....


lol 4gb of tracers?! how much did that cost?! rava?!

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I want to ask you guys here, I'm going to ask here because I think it relates to the Ballistix I believe. When I first tested the Opty and the Ballistix, the old Ballistix before it died, I found the limit of the cpu at 305 x 9 with a divider of 180 prime stable at least 8 hrs+. Now when the Ballistix died I sent it for RMA. I have three other pairs of memory stick in my disposal so I proceeded to test them out with the system where my cpu is stable at 305 x9. Not any of my Corsair TwinXLPro, Patriot, and OCZ Platinum pc4800 could go above 290 x 9 with the Opty. I had more than a week to tweak and test with prime and memtest. The OCZ memtest was good for at least 7hrs with 305. So now I test prime with the Opty right. One of the cores always failed after 3 minutes, always. With the Patriot I used a divider and was prime stable at 290 x9, and so is the OCZ. Now when I popped in the newly arrived Ballistix yesterday and loaded my prime stable 305 x 9 from CMOS, ran memtest first to make sure the Ballisix are good to go, well it ran for more than 5 hrs before there was a power outage and stopped the whole thing. Then I ran prime at 305 x 9 and its been running for almost 8hrs now, where 1 of the cores could not even last more than 3 minutes with the other 3 memory sticks. :cool:

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Whats the question? :)


Did you use the same divider (180) when using 290Mhz?


Yeah, I used the same throughout and some others, tested the same settings with all the other memories, and settings that I have prime tested and memtested that I used before on the Newcastle, X2, and Opty 0546. :nod:

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