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nF4 Memory Advice (updated 14/11/06)


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What online retailer(s) do you intend to buy from?

I can have a look at what they have to offer.

Thanks for the help Sharp, it's truly appreciated. I live in Finland, and the only place I know here that sells the quality stuff is http://www.only4pro.com. Unfortunately their site is only in Finnish. Their collection is quite narrow having some random models of OCZ (Platinum rev.2 and gold), G.Skill and Mushkin but they cost nearly 100€ more than Xtreem (which is 175€).


Oh, they do have have this Mushkin http://www.mushkin.com/doc/products/memory_detail.asp?ID=5, but it's currently out of stock. It costs about the same as Xtreem. Do you think it would be worth the wait?

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OCZ Platinum EB PC4000 2x1GB

http://www.ocztechnology.com/produc...l_ channel_kit


OCZ GOLD PC4000 PC4000 2x1GB

http://www.ocztechnology.com/produc..._channe l-2gb_


G.SKILL PC4000 2x1GB F1-4000USU2-2GBHZ



Mushkin also have a PC4000 2x1GB kit



Thank you very much, Sharp. I really appreciated your suggestions but the above memories are a bit out of my budget right now. I'm sure they're top notch but do you have any other recommendations that are good performers yet won't cost me an arm and a leg? if at all possible. I'm thinking of buying the OCZgold next year when the price comes down a bit. I'll be ordering the rest of the parts by this week.I'll be ordering them at NCIX since I live in Canada, but I will order the video card and memory at New Egg.


Some where in this thread you recommended to this fellow to use





What's your opinion on this? Is this good for gaming too and a little bit of oc?

Thanks again for your help, looking forward to your reply

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If you can wait then yes :)

That Mushkin one uses TCCD chips, will also OC well with low voltage.


EZ target


GEIL one TCCD, very good memory. (The best TCCD modules in the world).

They are rated DDR600 @2.5-4-4-7.


A PC4000 2x1GB kit will be better for games +a bit of overclocking, all the new games need a lot of memory.


For $40 more you can get the G.SKILL PC4000 2x1GB kit.



vs GEIL one TCCD @newegg.


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I haven't seen these talked about...




I'd like to know if these OC well, or if there is a better OCZ version.


SInce OCZ seems to be the consensus here, as far as best memory, I could do with out the "bling" and buy whatever OCZ (or other Memory) you experts suggest.


details in sig.




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Crucial have gone a bit ballistix at the moment.






Most people dont seem to have the Tracer versions.





They are one of the best overclocking 2x1GB kits around.

But I would like to see Crucial comments/finding on the above problems.

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Thanks for the info.

I ordered the tracers just prior to reading this response... wish me luck.


Just outta curiousty, if money were no object, and you only cared about gaming performance, and OC potential, which RAM would you buy? To pair with the offically unsupported opty 146.


The only reason I'm picking the Tracers is the LEDs, I have them on my corsair, and I like the look. But, I'd gladly do without them if something else were much better.


Time to go read the rest of the threads you listed. Thanks again,




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I'm in the process of putting a system together that meets the criteria outlined below in my sig. The tricky decision for me is figuring out what RAM to get.


What I'm primarily building this system for is video editing/encoding, visual effects creation and rendering etc. The programs I use most often are Avid Xpress Pro, Adobe After Effects, and 3dsmax. I've built a couple of systems before, but I've never really gotten into serious overclocking. However, I'm looking to give it a try with this new system.


I'm going to need 2gb of RAM, as all of these programs love to hog it up- and I'd like to push the X2 3800+ up to a modest 2.4 OC in time- but with the 1GB modules it's hard for me to know what will get the job done satisfactorily and what might be overkill.


I'm looking at the two OCZ kits at the bottom of Sharp's list- and I'm wondering if the PC-4000 Platinum Edition kit is going to be necessary in order to get the OC I want, or if you guys think I can get by just fine with the PC-3200 Platinum kit- or, for that matter, do any of you guys have some suggestions beyond just those two? I'm currently digesting the OC'ing FAQ's, but because I'm a newbie to OC'ing RAM, it's difficult for me to know what I'm going to need until I've actually done some of this, so any advice/suggestions would be much appreciated.

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I am also into all the LEDs so I would go for the 2x1GB Tracers. :)



Thanks Sharp,

I was getting worried I was putting "bling" in front of performance.


And, good to know there are others out there that like "little shiny, blinky thingys" :D:)




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