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nF4 Memory Advice (updated 14/11/06)


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I searched in the first post of this thread again, and found them (strange, i must have overlooked it several times)


- OCZ EL DDR PC-4000 Gold Edition [2x1GB] (UCCC) [3-4-4-8]

Part number: OCZ5002048ELGE-K


Aren't those samsung chips and not Infineon?

And are these real good ( i thought i read somewhere those where no good, but i read so mush up till now that I'm not sure )

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hi all.

I've been browsing through this site for a few days now to help me build my first PC (mainly for gaming- I have a passion for online gaming- COD1, COD2 and bf2). I'm a newbie; bear with me please...

The way Sharp explained about the memory was easy to understand for me but I'm still stuck.


This is what I have in mind:


Ultra d

CPU? (solely gaming) any thoughts?

Opteron 146 or 148 or 3700 sd

maxtor 10 200GB


Now I need help with the memory...

Sharp, What do you think of the OCZ Gold gamer extreme edition?

or here are the others I am contemplating:

OCZ EL platinum rev 2, 1GB

OCZ EL DDR PC-3500 Gold GX

OCZ EL DDR PC-4000 Dual Channel Gold VX



OCZ 520 psu (powerstream)


I will probably get into overclocking after I get to know the board. I'm more interested in getting faster frames per second than anything else (benchmarking). I might do that just to check the hardware. I will choose DFI boards for the quality and the support forums if I ever get stuck (You'll probably see me here often). let my adventure begin...!

> thank you to the administrators for setting up a forum like this...<


Lastly, Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any suggestions/comments are greatly appreciated.



p.s. what's the difference between ultra D and the SLI (besides the fact that the SLI can run two video cards...does the SLI have a special touch?) bios.... do they have the same chip set...? just wondering.. I have my eyes on the ultra D- it's more affordable for me.

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OK I'm thinking about the G.SKILL Extreme Series 2GB (2x1GB) PC4000 $229.00 anybody have any thoughts?

Just bought a single 1GB stick to test and it's pretty good stuff.

This stick runs either 265 3-4-4-8 or 240 2.5-3-3-8 @ 2.6v



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Hi Guys, Buying some parts and was hoping you guys can help me out. Went to buy a


OCZ Platinum PC3200 EL DC DDR 2Gb Kit (2x1024MB/2048) 400MHz 2-3-2-5






but the salesman refused to sell me them saying they will not work together at all..could someone advise if they have got these two parts working together.


Much appreciated.. thanks

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OK I'm thinking about the G.SKILL Extreme Series 2GB (2x1GB) PC4000 $229.00 anybody have any thoughts?


I think this is by far the most attractive memory right now, even when it was $255.


I have never seen a report that it wouldn't work in any board.


And it does 250 MHz guaranteed. While that doesn't give you any extra real-world performance it is nice to have when overclocking so that you don't have to fiddle with dividers all the time.


I never understood why people buy the ZX instead and then complain when it doesn't do 250 MHz :confused:

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There is no difference between the SLi and Ultra-D in terms of quality/performance.



Opterons overclock a bit better.


The Opteron 148 Venus OEM (=no fan) CPU from newegg.com is a good buy. (Out of stock)

The 3700+ San Diego RETAIL (=includes FAN) is the next/equivalent CPU.

Or you could get the opteron 148 Venus RETAIL CPU, includes a heatsink/fan.


The latest games require at least 2GB so you should go for a 2x1GB kit.

If you want to OC later than a PC4000 2x1GB kit would be the best buy.


OCZ Platinum EB PC4000 2x1GB



OCZ GOLD PC4000 PC4000 2x1GB



G.SKILL PC4000 2x1GB F1-4000USU2-2GBHZ



Mushkin also have a PC4000 2x1GB kit





Contact AndyOCZ or RyderOCZ.






They are not good for overclocking.



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