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Unresolved - Multiple BSOD's on fresh install. Angry, RGone, or someo

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Hi. Sorry for making another post but I wasn't getting any help in my other one. My problem is described in detail in this post: http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23470


In short I have reformatted many times, and followed the guides for installing software/drivers after format. I did not install ntune, IDE drivers, audio, or firewall drivers from DFI CD. I am running optimized defaults in bios with the stock 3/10 bios version. I have run memtest on my ram for 2 passes without errors (and it is running now at home while I am at work). Since my most recent format, the BSOD errors I am getting have centered around "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGE_AREA," "win32k.sys," and "ntfs.sys." I can't think of what else to do and have searched the forums many times for ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you need any other information than what is in this and the other thread I'd be more than happy to respond.





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Ok I ran memtest for almost 4 hours with 0 errors. Ended up doing 9 passes I believe. I downloaded TMOD's cd2 bios flash boot cd and am going to pick up some cd's right now. Hopefully this will all work.



Torch, I am not sure what you mean about Systempartion must be primary and active. How do I check and/or change that?


Also, I just got a windows sp2 install cd so I will be doing that once I flash the bios.


Thanks again for the help. And other comments always welcome :)

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I have found that with the DFI boards if you undervolt the ram regardless of brand you will ahve big issues.


I had major corruption in windows when i left vdimm at 2.6


I raised it to 2.8 and problems went away.


I would try at least 2.7 and see if that helps.

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I don't if it's the right translation.In Systemmanagement or Computermanagement.

It's the place where you can change Hddpaths.

Hope you understand

I believe Torch is refering to Control Panel-->Administrative Tools-->Computer Managment...then go to Disk Management under the Storage heading.

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Ok the matter is now resolved. I flashed to 704-BTA BIOS and reformatted with a new windows w/SP2 cd and I have been running stable for hours now. I'm not sure which fixed it but I am guessing it was the former.


Thanks everyone for all the help :)


Edit: I don't know how to change the topic to Resolved. Don't know if this matters, but if someone wants to do it go for it.

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