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4400+ NOT stable at 2.7


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To reach 2.8 I had to push 1.62vcore. That is around 200 watts that is required. Lotsa heat to be dissapated with aircooling. Dont be surprised if you canT get there. It can happen but I would say it is slim.


Good luck and let us know!!




I meant to put a "T" on the "can"

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I plan to overclock my 4400 next week.


Well, my goal was to reach 2.8 gig with air cooling and faster RAM (it seems using divider would generate potential problems, correct me if I am wrong), I have been spending time to search for faster and more expensive RAM. But from reading this I wonder if I set my goal too high. :nod:


If it's mission impossible then I am gonna save that extra money. What do you guys think?


I haven't seen a 4400+ stable on dual core @2.8 on air.

If you can do it, then you achieve something very well here.

Never say never, so if you still process, let's us know.


Good luck.

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Hehe, actually I am pretty new to this overclock thing. :D Just don't wanna my RAM to limit my CPU potential given that cooling beyond air is not needed.


Now, someone told me that using divider in A64 won't bring any performance hit, is that true? Does it have any effect on the stability?


So anyone here can take 3800 to 2.6? I mean $200 for 200Mhz isn't worth a deal.

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Hehe, actually I am pretty new to this overclock thing. :D Just don't wanna my RAM to limit my CPU potential given that cooling beyond air is not needed.


Now, someone told me that using divider in A64 won't bring any performance hit, is that true? Does it have any effect on the stability?


So anyone here can take 3800 to 2.6? I mean $200 for 200Mhz isn't worth a deal.

first thing you better do is read the damn rules of this forum and make a sig and fill in your location....

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I've got my X2 3800+ rock solid at 2800, just under 1.6 volts (according to BIOS. MBM claims 1.55 volts), liquid cooled.


Mine is one of the newer cores, it's actually a Toledo with half the 1MB per core cache disabled to my understanding.


2900 boots great but one of the cores poops out in certain benchmarks. I suspect I could run stable at 2900 with even higher voltage but I'm not sure I care to run the volts that high.

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DG, I've got my 4400+ watercooled and it has never hit above 48C with both core's torture priming at the same time...but as always, everyone will have different results


I've still never been able to get my 4400+ past 2650Mhz (and I fight with it daily but it is winning the war)


That's really interesting, I know it's probably in your sig somewhere, but what watercool solution do you have on that rig? I've got my 4200+ on the XP-120

(air) and my temps are always 47C with both cores torture priming at the same time.


Am I lucky or is your watercooling less effective than my air cooling? :)


Here's my best to date stable with the X2 4200+ on air:


CPU: 240x11 = 2640Mhz, 1.5v, 47C

RAM: 166/200 = 188.6Mhz, 2.5-3-3-5, 2.7v

(I have crap ram, normally 3-3-3-8, sacrificed some bandwidth for better latency.)


SiSoft ALU/FPU/iSSE2: 22424/8369/10901

SiSoft Memory Bench: 5373MB/s

(again, the crap ram)


AquaMark3 FPS: 76.68

AquaMark3 GPU: 12140

AquaMark3 CPU: 10404


3DMark05: 6509

3DMark05 CPU: 6142


(SLI GPU overclocks not determined yet, still testing :) )


All in all, I get about a %20 gain over stock with the X2.

Not bad, but not the greatest CPU for overclocking.


I can do 2.7ghz, however that extra 50-60Mhz requires some substantial

voltage increase, at least 1.55v. It also drives my temps up to 53C, anything

over 50C and this CPU likes to crap out. It is also not stable in prime for more than a few hours. Talk about diminishing marginal returns!


I am debating a watercool solution, if it can get me to 2.8ghz, I'd do it.


Do you think it'll let me squeeze an extra 150Mhz ?


Anything less it seems like it would be a waste of money for this CPU.

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If you can afford a 1/2" waterccoling solution such as a TDX kit from Danger Den you will get above 2.8 most likely. These things love watercooling.


Running 1.65v my loads have never seen 40c. The highest I have seen is 38c for a 12 hour run of Prime. I have a Black Ice Xtreme 2 with 2 Panaflo "ultra" 120mm on a rheobus and keep them around 1700RPM and it is fairly silent.


I think waterccoling is definetly worth it. No more heat satureated copper anchors that with screaming fans for me:)

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