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Just outta curiosity, how many WUs does everyone pump out in a day (from 12am to 12am....24 hours)


I only do about 1, but i only run it on 1 computer and i use it for other stuff

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Depends on what WU. Most of the time 1 a day. Sometimes 2 a day. Then sometimes they take 2 days.

Sorry, i should have said "on average" to amke it more clear to everyone, sorry bout that :D

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I'd say 20+ on average... but that changes from week to week, as they change what WUs are sent out...



Time -------- Points -- WUs

07/23/03 -- 768.70 -- 22

07/22/03 -- 993.20 -- 23

07/21/03 -- 1,038.60-- 24

07/20/03 -- 599.20 --14

07/19/03 -- 718.20 --17

07/18/03 -- 689.60 -- 12

07/17/03 -- 349.70 -- 7

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I'd say 20+ on average... but that changes from week to week, as they change what WUs are sent out...



Time -------- Points -- WUs

07/23/03 -- 768.70 -- 22

07/22/03 -- 993.20 -- 23

07/21/03 -- 1,038.60-- 24

07/20/03 -- 599.20 --14

07/19/03 -- 718.20 --17

07/18/03 -- 689.60 -- 12

07/17/03 -- 349.70 -- 7

you don't count:p



1 per day as an average, thats for the wu's that are worth 50 some odd points...just noticed i go one worth about 23 points and it looks like it'll take...just under 12 hrs...amazing i know.

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my average is changing right now. used to be about 3 a day. and like d3 said, it changes from week to week.


but now i'm not doing as much testing as i have been in the past so that may be helping me get more points per day than usual. currently i have 6 comps folding (2 of which are 500Mhz celerons). the other two that aren't in my sig are 700Mhz Athlon and 1Ghz Athlon (non T-Bird). my < or = 2400Mhz cpus are carrying most of the weight and right now. one of the 500Mhz celerons is working on the 638 wu. it finishes a frame every 38 minutes, there are 400 frames so it is on pace to finish in 253.3hrs or 10.5days (will take 9 more days since this wu started a little over a day ago).

it seems as though the SSE might be better optimized for folding on my two T-Bred comps (don't quote me on that though. haven't found out for sure. and i'm guessing this may vary from wu to wu). these two comps each usually (as of the past 3 days) finish about 2 wu a day or atleast start the second wu unless i get a 638 or 639 wu (this is with either assembly optimization on). if one is not on (assembly optimization) at some point then it would do less. i remember recalling that wu 910 (57.00 pts) actually seems to have a greater points/time ratio than the 639 wu (70.90 pts), but back then i never paid much attention to the assembly optimizations so this may not be the case. these wu should be pretty equal when it comes down to pts/time, but that doesn't seem to be the case. i don't really feel the need to figure this out though since we don't have control of what wu we get anyways.

Edited by Trakfast11

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Wow, just thought id let everyone know that i got 2 done today :D! I think my OCC rank is 45 :D GO ME!

Ill be up to D3 in no time :lol:.....maybe in a year or 2 if he stops folding :lol:


I have 10 WUs done according to the stats page, so how long does it take for the OCC banner to update?

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