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Everything posted by Inverted2

  1. All this ATI talk make me want to see what the competition has up their sleeves haha. When the come out I think thats when Ill pick a DX11 card I need an upgrade.
  2. Sucks that you didn't get it on the first try, but that thing looks like a steal. 1920 by 1200 is always good
  3. Recently there has been talk of the Lucid Hydra a new platform to be implemented on specialized motherboards. The platform will introduce a new breed of graphic card teaming. This teaming allows ATI and Nvidia graphics cards to meld. The original article is located here In the article a group was allowed to test the new system. It is hard to believe but this platform actually has legs. With a Nvidia 260 and an ATI 4890 the testers were able to get great boosts in performance without matching the card with a duplicate. Image from HotHardware.com
  4. Raven Case Looks sick! I like the UV fans on the graphics cards
  5. So I finished putting together my computer and on the initial boot up the monitor says check cable / nothing connected ect. I tried a different monitor and the same result. The graphics card seems delayed on boot up I'm positive it may be the problem. Need Help Thanks -Graham
  6. Thanks for the quick reply looks like I'm going to have to put more thought into this Thanks again
  7. I'd like to have more of an idea before I take the jump. I have AMD 7850 kuma BE and a 8800GTS 640
  8. I am interested in adding a water cooling system to my computer I need some suggestions. My case has plenty of room to accommodate all the new parts I just need some help. Do I buy a kit? What are some possible setups for an AM2 socket? What hose size should I use? any other suggestions? Cheers -Graham
  9. Droid hands down. Pre is not as immense and you can't go wrong with google
  10. I love lamp!1! Here are some pics Cable management will be more of a priority when the rest of my parts arrive Cheers -Graham
  11. sick build I have heard good things about the ASUS Crosshair III good luck
  12. I also enjoyed the demo. The artwork was gorgeous, cartoony and playful. You gotta remember its only like 10-15 bucks so it may be worth it.
  13. If your going radeon they don't use physx cards only nvidia but how much for the GTX lol
  14. yeah that would be great but I would use that as a main thats is a great card
  15. looks good wish I could buy an i7 gratz
  16. I have had my iPhone 3g for about a year and half now and I am really getting sick of it so it is possible. The android OS seems to offer better user experience sure Apple has the app store but the phone its self lacks the core features. Android is going to integrate social networks such as Facebook and others into its contacts list in real time. If apple were to let the device roam free there would be no other need for other devices.
  17. Not yet but they say to tune in November 6th @ droiddoes.com for more info
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