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Everything posted by Inverted2

  1. Wouldn't that be a cooling problem? I guess you know better than me. I wanna just check out what the have.
  2. Agreed it is very plain looking but I guess it isn't for show
  3. no problem haha all i needed keep me up to date... Btw just found out campus is near a micro center may have to take a nerdy road trip
  4. It surfaced under the name sholes but was then changed to the droid. You may have seen the commercials bashing the iPhone and that is what it hopes to do. Google has its hands directly in this project to hopefully create a new era in mobile phone use. Here is a link to the commercial link Specs 3.7″ screen with 854
  5. Hey what's up everybody. Long time watcher finally thought of joining. Cheers - Graham
  6. Nah I'm probably not going to sell only because my Macbook can't game very well :/ College students don't have money for new gaming computers. Thanks for the Welcome
  7. Yeah it was leftovers from previous client builds who wanted to upgrade. I'm really proud of what I had which was the GPU, PS, Mobo and HDD everything else was a purchase. It should last me a good amount of time.
  8. Inverted2

    Quick Build

    miscellaneous parts creating a power house machine
  9. Inverted2

    Client Build 3 and 4

    antec 900 and a smilodon
  10. Inverted2

    Build 2.0

    Same build as 1.0 but into a new case with WD raptor
  11. Inverted2

    Build 1.0

    Client Build Antec 300 with a window mod
  12. So recently I noticed I had a fair amount of parts lying around and I decided to make something of it. The part list includes Case - Element G Mobo - Asus M3A78 CPU - AMD Kuma @ 2.8Ghz Cooler - Dark Knight GPU - EVGA 8800GTS 680mb Ram - 2GB of DDRII GSkill PSU - Tangan 800 watt Any thoughts or opinions ? Cheers Graham
  13. Inverted2

    LOL! Top FPS

    Very funny good find. I ahd a couple of those model mods as well hahaha
  14. Inverted2

    Lian Li

    My Lian Li 75b
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