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Everything posted by daniel

  1. well.. yesterday i went to CompUsa to buy an antivirus and i end up buying a laptop wuts ur opinion on this laptop... is it good or bad? Acer Aspire 5672 Intel Core Duo T2300 1.6 Ghz 2 GB of Ram 120 GB HD 15.4" inch screen Ati X1400 (512 mb) with dvd burner.. all for 900 bucks.. was it a good buy?
  2. Well Im a MSN beta tester so i started testing Windows oneCare live beta https://www.windowsonecare.com/ so i want to know if any one else has tryed this software and wut do u think of it.,..
  3. For apps like catia, rhino3d, photoshop, 3d studio, flash, soundforge which is the best one out of these: hp dv8000 AMD64 2.2Ghz, 1gb ram, dvd burner double layer gateway mx7515 AMD athlon 2.6, 1gb ram despite not being the best choice, how well could this one perform with the named apps:\gateway convertible laptop 1,4 ghz, 1 gb ram ***I really like this one because it really impresses the clients to which I will be presenting the things designed in those apps*** So which one should i get?
  4. thx for the replies Cover XP was what i was looking for i had the nero one but i dint find the optionn i needed... thx guyhs
  5. Well i need to design a CD booklet for school.. and the software that i have doesnt allow me to design the booklet.. just the cover.... do u guys know of any softaware that may help me make the whole CD booklet
  6. Well for school i need to make a CD analizing songgs for a book... Catcher in the rye... and well i named the disk Broken Windows... so i want to design the cover... the case cover.. like with a broken window on the back.. and maybe some blood.. and a fist.... if u guys can help me make it.. i would appreaciate it.. thx, daniel
  7. Mmm does anybody have a WOW guest 10 day free trial left... i wanna try wow....
  8. daniel

    Need Help...

    well im in charge at my school... to take the pics for the year book... so today i took the halloween picks... so when i went to pass em to the comp so i selected all theimages and pressed Ctrl+x then pasted them in the comp... but when i checked later... the images were gone.. and only the folders where left.... do u guys know if its possible to fix this.. to bring the pics back or anything?
  9. daniel

    Start Up

    Well 2 days ago my system started to load slowly or not loading at all... normally i starts in about 30-50 secs but now after the windows loading bar proccess is over.. and the windows welcome screen appears its slow.. then it loads teh background... and does nothing else for a while... and in about 4 min.. the whole desktop is up... how can i fix this
  10. wow thnx for teh uber fast response im gonna try it...
  11. mm can anybody tell me how can i have a virtual drive...
  12. mmm do u still need it? b/c i think i have one.. around
  13. well here is a link to it.. if u want to try it before voting http://shield.prevx.com/routes.asp?R=522 i got better results with this one than teh MS spyware remover
  14. well i used to fold... but computer was suffering from overheating probs... so i stopped....
  15. i bought it... but Call of Duty is just 100 times better....
  16. i think that the black one looks nicer
  17. Plz.. help me make points for this TEXT based mmorpg... http://www.torncity.com/register.php?XID=150467 use my referral.... it takes 2 min to signup thx, daniel
  18. daniel

    What Game To Buy

    just wait 1 month for CALL of duty 2
  19. im making a secondary rig for me... and i need to know which is the best vid card i can get for 150 or below.. AGP 4x/8x... 256mb thx,
  20. i need to make a CD-Cover that has a Bull and a moon... can someone help me make one... plz...
  21. well last nite i was playing call of duty perfectly.. but today when i woke up.. i tried to start call of duty but it wasnt... so... i waited.. and then it opened.. it takes like a long time to do each step... it takes about 2 min to open... it like freezes for a while... (not responding) message appears on the task manager... but i tried any other game or application and they are working fine.... i just finished reinstalling teh game.. and its the same.. its not working well..i need help plz thx, daniel
  22. u can get it from newegg for 150 bucks
  23. ok im gonna try the IDE cable.. i got a spare one somewhere ___________________________________________________ EDIT Thanks dude that was the problem.. thanks for the help i really appreaciate it.... thank u very much
  24. Well i dont know if this is hardware or a software problem but here is the prob... Well sometimes when i turn on the computer and the Intel pentium screen appears and the HD starts working and the CD and DVD rom do the same... if you wait like 2 min it says plz insert a valid boot something (dont rmemeber the exact word) but also sometimes it goes into windows... And sometimes immeately or sometime after the computer freezes mouse, keyboard and screen.. and the HD and DVD rom start like to "read" sometimes it stays like that other times i get the blue screen saying it may be a software or hardware problem.. i didnt get the exact message though.. if it appears again ill post the exact message... but i really need help.. i cant use the computer.. until it is fixed.. today im gonna try to go into safe mode to see if the same happens.. if it does im gonna format..... I really neeed help to fix this... thx, daniel
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