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Everything posted by daniel

  1. Merry x-mas!! feliz navidad!! to all the OCCrs!!! enjoy this day hope u get many gifts and smiles
  2. Well i just found this site that pays you 1 cent per add you visit, u can visit up to 15 ads a day, but the ads of the people who you refer will count for you too, meaning that if u have 10 friends and each one sees 20 ads a day, and you see 20 ads a day, then you will get 2.20 dollars a day. Linky you just need to have a paypal account thats it, they dont ask for your password or anything. ---EDIT--- Whenever i get my first ten bucks, ill verify if it is real or not, but a friend who reffered me already received his first payment.
  3. maybe its the one at teh beggining of the topic...
  4. well im not the most indicated person to say, but i have been reading the forums lately and the memory i ahve seen recommended the most are the crucial ballistix http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820146565
  5. daniel

    OCC & CoD4

    well i have been playing a good time now, u can add me (xfire:cgblackeagle), and talk to me there... im up for anything
  6. daniel

    XBL anyone?

    i can try to play :S but my brother lent my Wheel to a friend, so when i have it back (i hope that soon) i can race u... Gamer tag: YEYISIMO
  7. Right now i have my GPU at 575, original 475, and mem at 550, original at 450, i dont know if i should keep pushing ... i get temps of 63 with those speeds, no artifacts.
  8. ummm im facing a weird problem when i use ATI TOOLS the system immeately locks up, but when i use ATI TRAY TOOLs the one that came wtih the omega drivers i can raise atleast 100mhz, so should i trust ATI TOOLS or ATI TRAY TOOLS?
  9. till what point should i OC my vid card?? i have the GPU at 525 originical es 475 and the memory at 515 orignical 450... can i go any higher?? when i have this temps the vid card reaches 60C
  10. ok just did the 4% change and got 150 hz (see attachment) now im going to try to OC a lil my vid card (ati x800 pro) if u have any tips on overclocking the vid card a little bit, help is appreciated
  11. Today while i was performing maintenance to my system i noticed a Burn-in option in the bios, which allows me to raise the FSB by 2 or 4% so the question is the following should i try that option??? my current temps are idle: proc:36, zone1: 28, zone 2: 30 havent found a way to test the tempetures at load yet :S i know im a noob my system is shown in the attached pictures.... any help is appreciated thx...
  12. score 17779 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=9305354
  13. i got 1593 838 SM2 score 690 CPU score
  14. maybe he means that he wants a mobo under 200 that gives a good performance
  15. well thx for the responses they really help
  16. well we were talking about call of duty 4 and he said, although the nvidia 8800 gts gives more FPS, the HD3870 gives better quality, because it has better filters :S so i was really confused...
  17. well he was talking about teh hd3870, vs the 8800gts
  18. A friend just told me, i dont know whether to believe him or not. the ATI video cards although they give less frames per seconds in game, they actually give a better texture quality, because they have better filters, such as the AA, and stuff. is that statement true?
  19. Ok, a friend is building a computer Motherboard, RAm, Processor, videocard for around 750 bucks he has two options, 1. Go old PCI EX tech or 2. Go with PCI EX 2.0 On either one he is going with Intel Q6600 AMD HD3870 and 2 gigs of ram if he goes old tech it would be 2 gigs of 1066 mhz, new tech with 800mhz ram so now the question is, whether to go old or new tech, and which motherboard doyou recommend in each case? he is not interested in overclocking he just wants a good and stable motherboard. on the old PCI tech for about 100-130 and new one well around 250 any help is appreciated thx
  20. NEVERMIND!!! Google answered the question for me!!! sorry!!! delte post
  21. Well Here what i want to achieve, i want to have wireless signal all around my house, currently i own a Dlink DGL-4500, Dlin, di-624, and a Linksys wrk-54 My Dlink DGL-4500 is the one connected to the modem, and it gives connection to all the desktops and the xbox. I want to sent one of the LAN cables from that dlink to the Di-624 somewhere around the house and make this one give wireless signal, BUT i want to still be able to file share with teh computers connected directly to the DGL-4500... how cna i do this? Be able to fileshare with any computer it doesnt matter to which router they are connected... any help is appreaciated dan
  22. ok so if i were to choose between d-link dir-655 and linksys wrt350n.. althoug there is like a 40 dollar difference which would be better?
  23. but if both are the same price, and i do game on my computer and xbox... also have a media center extender... which one would be better?
  24. wuts the differnece betwene the linksys 350n and the 330n????
  25. hmm that one is toooo expensive.. how about Dlink or Dlink 1
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