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Everything posted by daniel

  1. so i guess its the jeep cj-5 or 7?
  2. hmm looks like a willis.. from jeep....
  3. hmm let me do a test.... ill post results soon... EDIT actually there is no need to post.. at load.. results are basically the same....
  4. well i installed the program that comes with my mother board.. and well things changed a lil... (btw i have a ultra x-connect)
  5. well.. im not sure about this.. but are the results that im getting ont eh -12.00, and -5.00 rail.. normal? (see attached file)
  6. well.. imo... scion is the lower branch brand of toyota.. and toyota is the mid class.... practically... both cars have a similar engineering... but the toyota has more luxeries... so practically... from cheap to expensive.. in the toyota motor.. branch.. are scion, toyota, and lexus... so all have a similar engineering.. but the higher the branch.. the more luxueries u get...in other words... if the luxery diffrence from the scion and the toyota is not much... i would go with the scion... but if u actually like all the features that the toyota has.. and the price difference is not much.. i would go with the toyota
  7. I also own a Zen Vision M.. its awesome, u can use practically any software to transfer the songs to it... and a lot of file types... i have owned it for like 6 months, no problems with it... but as he said against the zune ... i have nothing to say.
  8. i currently own a creative fatal1ty keyboard and it pwns... really good keys.. fast reaction.. awesome...and also it costs about 20 bucks than the logitech http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16823200007
  9. daniel

    New Rig

    yeah im looking to buy a Core 2 duo, MOTHERBOARD, and ram for 500 bucks... im thinnking about a e6300, or e6400.... i would like the motherboard to be sli compatible for future upgrades... so which motherboard would u recommend for about under 160 bucks.. thx
  10. Well, im planning on changing my current heat sink and fan, and i found this cooler while googleing. so is this good? or are there other which are better?
  11. I think i found the problem, I had a hunch, and when the computer booted, i turned off windows live messenger, and its not freezing now...
  12. Well im not sure if this is the section to post this, but im having the following problems.. So today i got hoem form school started playing fifa, and sudenly, it froze, but 2 secs later, it un froze, then again but htis time for llike 10 secs, and then forever, so i had to reboot, after i rebooted, i was chatting on MSN, and the programs started to like open slowly, not minimizing, and then completly froze... :S help plz... ***This has been happening on windows xp media center edition 2005, right now im on vista, testign if the samething will happen***
  13. mm strange Firefox is not reproducing any sounds from any website but IE does... :S help..
  14. how? im saying windows detects the modem.. but he is not able to dial... :S
  15. Well a friend installed vista and he has an ASROCK motherboard model P4VM800, with an integraded 56k modem.. and windows vista detects the modem and says it is working properly, but he cant connect to the internet... is tehre any solution to this problem? thx, daniel
  16. ohh.. but is that i dont want to install everything again BTW i just installed a new HD So now the computer is like this C: Programs and Windows D: Games E: Downloads and music F: NEW 155 gigs G: NEW 155 gigs Isnt there a way like to update HOME to Media Center??? If not... guide me through the installation process of media center
  17. Well on C i have all programs.. D Games E: downloads and other stuff... should i create another partition out of E and install it there? i dont really want to uninstall this version of windows im not sure if the other one will be able to run all the programs tha ti want. Oh yeah those sizes are the total.. the free amoung of HD left is... C: 5 Gigs out of 18 D: 18 gigs out of 40 E:52 gigs out of 130 Although im getting a new HD in like a month so i will be transfering everything from E to the new drive So is it possible for me to install it on the E: Drive or create a new partition out of it... and install windows oon the new partition"?
  18. Ok heres the Deal i currently have Windows XP Home SP2 installed. I have 1 hard drive with three partitions C:18 Gigs, D:40 gigs and E:130 gigs I bought Windows XP Media Center 2005 SP2 last week, and my question now is.. How should i install it??
  19. daniel

    Back Up...

    I just bought a copy of Windows Media Center edition, and i dont want that cd to damage or anything b/c it was worth a lot of money, is there any possibility of doing a cd image of the three windows cds? if so which program is good?
  20. well.. i have 1 gig of ram on my computer... and i want another stick of 1 gig... i have a transcent 1gb ddr 400 linky, and i dont overclock.. or anything like that.. i need one stick of 1 gig.. for around 100 bucks.. which one do u guys recommend
  21. thx guys.. i swtiched pci slot and its workingn ow
  22. yeah i see Creative SB Audigy 2 ZS (WDM), with a yellow ! on it This device cannot start. (Code 10) Click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooter for this device.
  23. Well... today i got home... and i added a creative mouse, and a LG DVD burner... and after that my sound card stopped working... its not being detected.. i have no sound at all.. its a Creative sound blaster audigy 2 zs platinum... :S need help plz
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