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OCC Poll: Your thoughts on OCC News


Your thoughts on OCC News  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about the OCC News?

    • I don't read any of it
    • I only read it sometimes
    • There's not enough
    • There's just the right amount
    • There's too much
    • Where's the OCC News???
    • Other

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This week for OCC Poll #10, we're talking news. More specifically, what do you think about the current amount of news that is being posted on OverclockersClub.com? Would you like to see more? Is there to much? We'd like to know what you guys think.


Like all OCC Polls, this one will end in one week. (May 6th)

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there's too much (for me)... i guess choice is a good thing but sometimes i swear there are like 40 things in one day and i'm like "whoa there Nelly!" :lol:


i'm not sure if it would be too much work but maybe the current categorisation of the news (guide, article, news, etc) could be used to group news items? then maybe it wouldn't seem like one massive load of news on some days... i guess grouping could take priority over post time, so even as items are added throughout the course of the day, they get grouped automatically :)


overall, i really like the quality and increased amount of news compared to any time before B:)

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I didn't realise how much news there really was until I started posting it.


I think the amount and quality is pretty good at the moment.

Edited by jammin

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I voted for "I don't read it" because there wasn't any "I usually don't bother with it" or "I only read it sometimes" options...as I usually don't bother with the front page, sorry. If it's posted in the forums, then I'm more apt to read it...and if that then brings me to the front page I may skim a bit, but that's rare.

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I voted for "I don't read it" because there wasn't any "I usually don't bother with it" or "I only read it sometimes" options...as I usually don't bother with the front page, sorry. If it's posted in the forums, then I'm more apt to read it...and if that then brings me to the front page I may skim a bit, but that's rare.


i added that option just for you & moved your vote also ;)

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i added that option just for you & moved your vote also ;)

:D I'm speshul!


In a good way :P


PS. I agree with nrg that some organization/categorization may help. It's hard to say that there could ever be "too much news", but the way it is now, does make it seem that way, and that's not good. At least separating out reviews from actual news may help.

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I really dig the news section - I read upwards of 50% of each day's news, and by that I mean that I read almost every blurb and of those blurbs read I follow the link and read the whole story more than half the time. good range of news - tech, software, misc. and to be honest, the news is part of the reason I decided to stick around and "be a part" of OCC.


way to go OCC!!



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