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Analogue Meter Like The Pc Tachometer

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Does anyone know where i can find info, how and if i can put a panel mount meter to monitor CPU utilisation? The PC Tachometer is the type of thing i want to do except that i want to use a older looking moving magnet type, not a automotive looking one.

Cheers in advance


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I think you mean something like an old analog power/audio meter right? An automotive tach is "magnetic". You should be able to use the tach mod with very few changes. You may have to change the voltage regulation and perhaps increase/decrease the pulse frequency. An automotive tach senses a linear increase in pulse frequency relative to RPMs. The big challenge is that if the anaolg meter uses the D'Arsenal prinicple it wont be linear like an automotive tach so your program is going to have to account for this non-linear relationship (CPU to voltage output).

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Thats right "Misled", i'm looking at using a voltmeter or ampmeter, so do u think i should download the tachometer software and see if i can tinker with it? Is it possible to tinker with it?

i'll let u in on my secret plan ;) I want to build a case that looks like an old WW2 radio, that is with toggle switchs and dials etc (i'm a wolfplayer)



crap, can't upload pic, but its here if u wish



Edited by tzb

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You know I thought about this and I think this is what you could do...Get an analog VOLTAGE meter in that style and within the range of the PC tachomter output (probably 12V as that what most cars tachs run at). What you'll need to do is change the software which outputs a change in the frequency of the pulse to change the duty cycle instead.


Hey I just found this. Looks like what you want and then some...

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That would be really cool to have an old WW2 radio as a computer case! How long do you think this will talke you to finish? Just an idea but you could also have one of those old WW2 microphones (the big silver ones in the movies) and mod one of your computer mics into it so that it actually works. Just an idea though. :D

Edited by Ghost2520

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Tazwegian - my pc isn't that old it, was a joke lol (actually P4 2 gig...), the link was meant to take u to the panel meters page. the one i wanted to show was a MU-45 type product code Q2047.


Misled - we're getting warmer with that last post, But i think that changing the tacho soft is maybe alittle over my head :unsure:


Ghost2520 - I think the mod i want to do would take a week on and off, yes the mic sounds like a good idea.


Systematic - I'm interested in the mic, if u could see if the guy wants to sell it and for how much? A pic would be good.


Thanks guys for the replies....

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