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Amd Poor Farm


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We have all seen computer platforms and OS that were better than their counterparts fall to the wayside in the past. This had nothing to do quality and everything to do with public perceptions (or misconceptions). One company's revenue vs another is not the sole indicator of the quality of its product. Ive eaten at McDonald's (a multi-billion dollar Co) and frankly their food sucks. Ive also eaten at a local mom-and-pop place who struggle to stay in business and their food is infinately better...

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rigth now amd has the backing of microsoft. So i dont think we will seem em go any time soon. lets see as lantom put it Mr. Itel makes $200,000 a year while Mr Microsoft makes over $1,000,000 a year. I mean a super giant like Microsoft supporting a not so super giant like AMD. Also Intel chips are so far not supported with the new microsoft os code name Longhorn. So companys like gateway, dell and so forth will have to support amd. Because AMD right now is the only one (beside ibm's mac cpus) wwho has the 64 bit technology. Hell there was an artical on the occ news board not to long ago. And hell microsoft gave amd money for the athlon xp devolpment, so it was fully compatible with win xp. Yes it dose look bad for amd now. but thats because Intel has brainwashed so many people, I think if companys like gateway and dell where forced to offer amd. I think people would start seeing the big picture. And also if amd dose go down i bet the antitrust people would be all over intel in seconds.



and misled very good point!

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long horn WILL support intel's P4 and P5 in 32 bit versions only. the 64bit version is AMD's domain only.


trust me amd ain't going out of buisiness anytime soon. I hear it living in the metro detroit area, how ford is going out of buisness. well guess what, the auto maker may have lost a ton of money for the past 10 years, but ya know what? they're still going strong. they were smart, durring the good years, don' t increase spending dramatically, stick the money in the bank, invest it, diversify the company. For god sake, ford owns a football team (if you want to call the lions pro go ahead, I won't), and has one of the finest stadiums in the NFL named after it. Amd is just as smart, they've sunk money in nvidia, ati, via and a few others.

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Saying Mr. Intel vs. Mr. Mocrosoft in those terms isn't right. Intel is a 25Billion dollar company. Microsoft is a 31Billion dollar company, although Microsoft makes more than Intel in Profits they both earn more profit each than AMD has in total sales.... AMD is a 2.5Billion business. They realeased finanials today AMD did, they LOST 141Million in three months!!!!


The comparision would be more like


AMD 20,000

Intel 200,000

Microsoft 230,000


The proglem for AMD is they loose 22 cents for every dollar they sell. Ouch!!!

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who gives a flying horses . all i know is that amd is fast and cheap and that intel is fast and expensive


That's what we try telling these Intel fanboys. The only ONLY reason your with Intel is because your scared of AMD.


Who wouldn't try something new if they weren't scared of it?


You can buy a 46 dollar AMD chip and test it with a 60 dollar mobo (cheap one but I guess it would get the job done.)

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you wanna know something really bad about intel. they co-developed the itanium with HP (current owner of DEC and the venerable alpha processor). when HP saw the opteron the first time, the DUMPED the idea of the itanium in desktops all together. Keeping in mind HP blew $4.5 BILLION (half of the cost) to develop itanium... what does this tell you about the door amd has finally walked thru? having something intel didn't fear, change the face of the IT world? and who said there were no NEW technologies on the way?

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