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Broken CPU?


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Hello guys!


I have a new problem with my system.


I often tried any stable oc settings for my bad Winnie (began with 2.5-3-3-8 until 2.5-4-3-10). The last was also 2.5-4-3-10. I used those settings 2 weeks ago until yesterday. It ran stable with Memtest, OCCT and Memory Analyzer until yesterday i often got BSOD (ntoskrnl.exe) in a random time. Ever more than the last BSOD time. So i run OCCT again and the result is NOT STABLE. I can't understand it. 2 weeks than my CPU goes down? I have reinstalled Win2k with the same settings but i got same BSODs. So i set up lower FSB (250x9 240x9) but i got the same problems. So i tried 220x9 with same settings but i can't get this system stable! At last i tried another settings 2.5-5-5-10 (2.5-4-4-8 is unstable) with 223x9 and it runs stable until now. So i install more programs and games and i hope it stays stable.


But i can't understand. 2 weeks than 100% BSODs? What's happen? My CPU will die?


Those are the settings in the 2 weeks.




























dis 8x


FSB 223


Multi 9x

CPU 1.3v 123%


LDT 1.4

Chipset 1.7

Dram 2.9


And now i have changed only 2.5-4-3-10 to 2.5-5-5-10


What shall i do?


Please help me.

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But i have done a full reinstall and now i can't get any stable settings. My Winnie's normal clock is 2000Mhz and i have now 2000 with 2.5-5-5-10. I have reinstalled windows with 2.5-4-3-10 and 2 weeks stable but yesterday? Full crashes.

What shall i do?

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When i got BSOD with/ ntoskrnl.exe error it was my HD, don't know if the HD is old and/or bad, perhaps try to install on one of the other HD's? may be worth a shot .... when i was getting the errors i couldn't even get to windows, i got BSOD before the welcome Screen

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Hmm my windows is on the 4 years old IBM Deskstar HDD. I used Hitachi HDD Tool and it shows no Sector errors. But why my HDD? I mean i used stable settings for 2 weeks and now my HDD is too bad? OC settings shouldn't damage my HDD or?


AND i get the BSOD after the Welcome Screen. About 5 minutes after the Desktopload.

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What's the ambient temperature where you're at at the moment? Has that changed??


If slacking the memory has helped, that's the likely culprit not the CPU. How are you cooling the memory - I have 2x120mm fans blowing cold air directly on mine.

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Temperature were normal CPU 40°C, System 46°C, NB 44 °C

I haven't cool my memory. I touched the memory after a high load with my old settings and they weren't very hot. Shall i cool it with a 12mm Aircooler? It's enough? And why my memory? Are they very sensitively'?

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Why memory? Because you slackened off your memory timings and your system started becoming stable again.


Hardware degredation is possible; but before assuming that's the problem; remembering that it's summer, and that more cooling is required is pretty important.


And cos my system needs a lot of memory cooling to run at speed.

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My PC is in a cool room (20°C) and i have a case with enough air coolers but not a direct cooler for the memory because i have not enough room in the case (my XP120 is very big and my memory are nearly under the cooler.


Can you give me stable standard settings?

Edit: Today i got the first unstable result from the OCCT and my system reboot without any BSODs after the Welcome Screen every time.


Maybe it's my HDD? Not the memory?

What shall i do? I can't cool the memory and i need anything to get my system stable.


Edit: Maybe Bios? I have 310P.

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