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Why Are So Many People Who Play Online A-holes?


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Camping doesn't bother me that much Sniping is part of the game and it takes a good amount of skill to be good at it. Camping the spawn point is a bit of Lamer move I'll give you that. Lately it is the elitists who bug me the most, The guys who give you crap for not racking up a 100+kills it is irritating.



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It doesn't matter if you're r0x0r!0u51y 1337 sometimes, it matters if you can work with your team.


Camping outside enemy spawn is annoying as hell, since it ruins the game and makes

people think they're elitists when all they're doing is rocket spamming the same spot.


Snipers are supposed to be annoying. You're not supposed to see them

and they're supposed to pick you off a mile away. Unless they're hacking,

learn to deal with them (juking, flashbangs, or w/e is possible in the game. Bhopping

is the most annoying for them)

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nothing wrong with camping/sniping/ using the pistol in halo... cept spawn camping, ya that is kinda cheap... but i hate people who kick me because im a camper or im sniping them. if i take 3 shots to finally hit them im obviously not using an aimbot, and the pistol in halo, and how "cheap" it is... well it was put there for a reason, its not like rocket launchers and mgs where you just shoot wherever you can and never have to aim.. long-range weapons actualy require skill... im sick of being kicked because "sniping is gai" or "camping is cheap" if im camping and kill you, you know where i am so just come behind me and kill me, or go a different way. the people in this topic sound pretty reasonable about this stuff, but most people arent. these people are too lazy to develop real skills, too busy calling everyone who they blow up a n00b. sometimes playing with npcs and bots is great... they arent stupid.


hey cool... i used allmost corect grammar/spelling... never done that before..

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You know things are bad these days when people accuse you of hacking in Halo...


Ironic point: I'm banned from quite a few CS servers for accused hacking, yet my friend is blatant (he has the name Myh4xpwnj00) and is never accused. ever. ever. :(


VAC/CDeath need to work harder or something.

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