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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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I have a 120mm fan sitting in my case blowing over chipset fan which has stopped and haven't had any problems as yet.


I'll have to get around to replacing the stopped chipset fan.

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:shake: :shake:


You guys are still trying to figure the problems out with this board. I applaud the effort..


What exactly are the problems with this board. I bought mine on day one and its worked great.......However I've never tried to overclock it.

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someone for the love of god tell me how to create a thread , i am willing to accept a telling of form angry games. Or someone confirm that haveing a dumb butt 24 pin adapter will:


A: slow down and stop fans eg CPU and ship set

B:yes i am a a sap who didnt read the instructions

C:feel free to abuse me


Amd 3700 64 san diego with factory Fan thermal compound

Maxtor 300Gb Diamond

Matched pair of corsair DDR400 512

Aopen 6600 128 with a NV cooler

DFI ultra nforce 4

Lian li with four in built fans

ilyama vision master

sony DVD/CD drive

Audigy 2 zs


and a silly 230v power suplly with a 24 pin adapter


my ps crashes when i change res in COD 2 bascially and my fans stop and the pc restarts, angry games is this because of 24 pin silliness adapter and again apoologies for being a sap and not starting a thread. And yes i have read the threads that tell you not to be a knob and use one. I just need conformation please :drool:

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Go to the main page of of this forum. You should see a NEW THREAD at the top left instead of a POST REPLY. However DO NOT post a NEW THREAD in this forum. Your in the wrong forum. If you have a Nforce 4 mobo, go to the Nforce 4 forum. There is a good chance the power supply is your problem. Did you plug in all the other plugs? What is the wattage and brand of your power supply and how many amps can it supply on the 12V line? (don't post this here, make a new thread). BTW we don't care if you have a 230V power supply. It doesn't matter. Well unless you live in a 110/120V area in which case you should give up on making your own computer...

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er he said V not W....



Well that's nothing to worry about.


Here in Australia we use a similair voltage system


It's better than the 110V system the U.S use, with the stupidly high amount of amperage in the lines (a.k.a fatal amoutn) :rolleyes:

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Hi guys I still havent had time to go to the store to get a new chipset fan I have an extra zalman VF700-AlCu for gpu would this fit on the chipset?



You can always give it a try, but don't blame me when you squash motherboard components trying to fit a massive cooler like that on your chipset :nod: :shake: :sweat:

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You can always give it a try, but don't blame me when you squash motherboard components trying to fit a massive cooler like that on your chipset :nod: :shake: :sweat:



I know it sounds funny but I need to know if it would fit the rest of the system is watercooled so it would be a pain to remove eveything for nothing.

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