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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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Yeah, those the ones. I "almost" bought them, but the Pats were half the price

and half the worries. Notice the "dfi nf4's" ? Because of the default romsips.

Amazing ddr600 claim at 1T. Talk about "hand picked tomatas"......


edit: Damn, just looked ddr600 @ 2.5 @1T, ... anybody got paper? The shitstain

extended out the door... Awsome, I would imgaine these would not be sold

anymore, just like the shortage of gas refinereies. 3% less gas consumption by

the US this year as compared to last. Result: double prices, these stupid US

consumers wont know the difference. I say to the big 3 oil companies: Your

sucking oil out of MY land and charging me for it!!! For all you "northern" US

patrons this winter, I say as a matter of protest you "DO NOT" use any gas

this winter, as an alternative I recommend you buy WOOD, burn it, and sleep

on your patios for 1 week. For all you gas consumers, I recommend you, in a

syncronized fashion, call in sick the same day, 1 day is all it takes, but it has to

be done by ALL on the same day.

Lets see what the consequences would be:

Oil drops to $20 a barrel from $65, in 1 day (gas goes to 95 cents/gal).

Natural gas (propane, ht oil, etc..) drops by 2/3 in 1 day !! Think about it.

One last gas/oil/heat question....... Since you wer born, did you ever stand in a

long line for gas because there wasn't any?????

If you answer yes, you better be ready for a 65 yro guy with a 170 iq (ny neighbor).......


They "can" vanish ..... If that don't get yer blood boiling as to their performance,

I don't know what does! Fabulous, beyond compare. I mean afterall why wouldn't

you want these babies? I drooled everyday at the egg at them, but lo an behold

......... f*King GONE? Whas up, why????


edit: you know I guess the only thing that will piss off can't change my 20/mgp

hog, gouged by the complete oil to gas wholesale/retail chain, americans, is not

gas prices (up 100% in 1 year), but will be the draft, that kills and mames many

visitors here and all the mons and dads (like me, who my 15/17 yrold's) will face

the "draft" next year as re-enlist milestone is here and forces won't rehabilitate

%40 (> 3 tours). That means the 20 year US installment (road side ambush/bomb )

will come from the aiti-war 18-25 yrold in the form of a draft.

Remember, you are in Iraq to protect the f*King OIL so americans can pay

$6.00/gal next summer and be dammed glad they can, thanks to you draftees....

defenders of American freedom and Bush security!! As to all the other dictators

in the world, well....... Let this be a lesson to you !!!! We don't take kindly to

dictators!! Hell, only 49 more to F*kIng go man, enough for 2000 years of wars,

installing democracies, etc...

I think its just plain cheaper to: NUKE THE F*KING HELL OUT OF THE ENTIRE

WORLD AND START OVER, as George Carlin says "plant eaters"....


Remember, a single nuke "vaporizes" a 30 mile radius instantly. Structual damage

after that. The US has 26,000 of these NUKES. Russia has 20,000. Enough

to "vaporize" the face of the earth well over 20 times.


But I still say NUKE em all, nuke terrorist, nuke them in every country

their in. One or two examples will suffice. The countries would raid those camps

(ie: Phillopines) so F*King fast you won't believe it. If your going to be the country

that is the BEAST, then f*KING do it without regrets. Consider it wiping out a

plague. Thats my opinion, it may not be yours.


BTW, I'm a democrat that is intollerent to 3rd world terror threats. I have a

definate plan, use NUKES heavily and see if that doesent "lower" the terror

alerts in the us. Remember, I can't stand republicans, but I can tell u this,

any 3rd world F*cks with America, if I were presedent the country be radioactive

vapor as soon as I snapped my fingers, which I would do immediatly........



I'm sorry guys.... Rodan - AMERICAN and proud of it !!!!!!!!!!


WTF has this . got to do with NF3UD?

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Indirectly alot.

Btw, what part of AMERICA would you call "." ???


I promoted American values in my statments. Are you from another F*king

country dude?

Post your computer question. My statement was not meant to be argumenative

to AMERICANS. I have been on enough forums to see alot of EUROOEANS

who "hate" the US.


If what I said has nothing to do with df3lpud, then you should shut your mouth

I made a statement for AMERICANS in turmoil, not for Euro trash scumbags !!!


Let me edit that: A F*kiNg warning for Euro-Trash scumbats, me as a

AMERICAN democrat will NUKE the f*King hell out of your terror assisting continenent !!!

U got that dude ???


U ever crap with AMERICANS u will be NUKED, unqualified, unequivically, immediately.

I'm a democrat with an 'Attitude' and will kick ur A*ss all day long....... NUKES

preferable !!!

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Very nice, I can't waite to get mine I may have to throw the vinnie in my NF3 Ultra-D and put the OP in my new board.(I got an NF4 SLI-DR in the works :nod: )

I got an Opteron 148 this week. It works with this board pretty much on par as my Venice did - no issues solved, no new issues created. I haven't tried 824 yet, but might get to it tomorrow. I'm still testing different configurations, so I can't change BIOS yet as that would mess up my comparisons. I should have some results up at the thread in my sig later today. If there is anything in particular you want to see, let me know. Also, it seems like not many here have Opterons. In an effort to keep information consolodated, it would be nice for other Opteron owners if you could post your info there when yours comes in.


The inability to exceed ~275 1T on this board is killing me right now. I have thie distinct sense that I would do better with another chipset, but I think I am going to wait to find out how the Crossfire boards overclock before committing to nF4. If you get an Opteron, you will need to think seriously about which one to choose with nF3. A 144 with a max x9 multiplier might not work well with the nF3 board.

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Guest thespin

Way to go, DFI! I just want to get my 2cents into this monster thread. I felt soooo left out ... :D

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The inability to exceed ~275 1T on this board is killing me right now. I have thie distinct sense that I would do better with another chipset, but I think I am going to wait to find out how the Crossfire boards overclock before committing to nF4. If you get an Opteron, you will need to think seriously about which one to choose with nF3. A 144 with a max x9 multiplier might not work well with the nF3 board.


I am using 300HTT and 1T with 166 divider and yellow slots. Altough it's not 100% stable in Prime it has never BSOD, errored or crashed on me.

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new bios in the way>? im using the 8/24 bios and wondering when is the 216htt bug gonna be fixed at least.


so far is the best bios i used on this board, otherwirse i loose considerably seconds on super pi and benchs over the stock one..


with 2.6ghz i do on super pi 2m 73seconds on the stock bios and with the new one about 73seconds @ 2.7ghz

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Well it gets worse.

Having totally failed to figure out how to setup raid, I thought I'd start from scratch.

Update the bios and plod on from there (only been at this 8 hours now)


Now I can't even do that. Just flat out refuses to read the floppy.

The floppy works, the disk is new it boots up another machine no problems.


I'm stuck.


Please no-one point me to noob guides about bios flashing, I've done plenty.

This one has got me beat.


Any ideas ?


Note: Faulty 'brand new' floppy cable. Its always the 50c part isn't it.....!!!!

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I am using 300HTT and 1T with 166 divider and yellow slots. Altough it's not 100% stable in Prime it has never BSOD, errored or crashed on me.


it's kinda waste to run a pair of tccd @ 250-260HTT with 2.5-3/4-3/4-x 1T timing. those d43 chip can do the task already. i really hope dfi can come out with a better bios. :)

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looks like I'll have to R.A this board.

The bios just can't be altered.

Even if I just change the date and nothing else and save it, it refused to post.

just goes into a loop of powering up seeking optical drives but nothing else.


And the cold boot situation is damn annoying

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