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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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we wont know until we have a board...useless to speculate about such things
nah, you don't understand what I'm asking here........I don't know what particularly happens to your drives if a SATA port isn't locked........so that's basically what I'm asking.......I don't particularly care so much about the speculative answer regarding how many ports might be locked......I just literally don't know what happens if you try to have a high FSB with 3 SATA drives on 3 ports if only 2 are locked......does your drive get screwed up, corrupted or what?


I'll know the answer as to whether or not the ports are locked long before I get a 3rd SATA drive, drive goes corrupt........grows legs and becomes a mass murderer or what

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great stuff rgone, how come there was no announcement with great fanfare like this one about the infinity line??? an answer in english would be cool, thanks so much :nod:


there is a lot of fanfare about this board. there are multiple 200+ post threads about it alone in these forums

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nah, you don't understand what I'm asking here........I don't know what particularly happens to your drives if a SATA port isn't locked........so that's basically what I'm asking.......I don't particularly care so much about the speculative answer regarding how many ports might be locked......I just literally don't know what happens if you try to have a high FSB with 3 SATA drives on 3 ports if only 2 are locked......does your drive get screwed up, corrupted or what?


I'll know the answer as to whether or not the ports are locked long before I get a 3rd SATA drive, drive goes corrupt........grows legs and becomes a mass murderer or what

there's no reason to speculate that whatever you don't understand might happen on a board you nor I have.

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there's no reason to speculate that whatever you don't understand might happen on a board you nor I have.
lol, nooooo I don't mean necessarily this board.......everyone is saying the SATA ports need to be locked right?


What happens when a SATA port isn't locked? That's all I'm asking.....what happens to your drives and why do they need to be locked......it's kind of like if I were asking "what happens if you dont lock your AGP bus and raise the FSB" and you just said "dont speculate what might not happen" because something WILL happen, I just don't know enough as to why the SATA ports need to be locked........regardless of what board..........why do SATA ports need to be locked when raising the FSB......what happens to non-locked ports when you do raise the FSB?

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how do you think i feel...this is just one of multiple 200+ post threads about this exact motherboard.


ive had to move the other 3 into admin section because they got out of hand with flaming and cursing and the same question over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and then the questioner getting pissed and flaming/trolling/cursing when they didn't like my replies of 'it will be out when it is out, no sooner, no later'.


my job is to try and support current motherboards that are already in the channel, not speculate on boards that might or might not ever make it to the channel (this one has made it, soon enough you'll see plenty of 'omg i cant get my NF3 939 to boot! HELLLLPPPPPP!" threads)

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lol, nooooo I don't mean necessarily this board.......everyone is saying the SATA ports need to be locked right?


What happens when a SATA port isn't locked? That's all I'm asking.....what happens to your drives and why do they need to be locked......it's kind of like if I were asking "what happens if you dont lock your AGP bus and raise the FSB" and you just said "dont speculate what might not happen" because something WILL happen, I just don't know enough as to why the SATA ports need to be locked........regardless of what board..........why do SATA ports need to be locked when raising the FSB......what happens to non-locked ports when you do raise the FSB?


what happens on a VIA board when you raise the FSB up past a point where the PCI bus can no longer detect an IDE drive on the channel?


same thing that happens on SATA


same thing that causes AGP to not function correctly.


if something isn't 'locked', then it is running out of the spec it was intended to run and can no longer function correctly (your tires for example, might be rated to 120mph...but when you do 135mph, they might shred, deflate, melt, or cause the car to veer off the road into a tree and kill you and your passengers in the process...all because they were ran 'out of spec')

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What happens when a SATA port isn't locked? That's all I'm asking.....what happens to your drives and why do they need to be locked.....


Data Corruption. Simple.


When you raise your HTT above say 220HTT on most Neo2 boards, you're going to get data corruption when you're transferring data between the drives.


I'm really bloody cut that the board only has 4 SATA ports, and i'll be even more pissed if what rgone is saying is true (which i'm not having many doubts on). If the NF3 chip itself is to blame, then it looks like i'll be buying ANOTHER SATA card when I want to put some more drives in. I already had to do it once with my Neo2 and then it screwed up, so I hope things go at least reasonably smoothly for this board.


Hell if I can get a nice high HTT on this once I get a new venice, i'll be happy no matter if I have to get a new SATA card :)




Edit: DAMN YOU AG! Why do you have to make analogies for everything anyway? :P I'm sure most people on this forum would understand what data corruption would mean... Makes it easier than having a car analogy for everything..

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*sigh* because some people don't seem to understand some things...if i make analogies then they understand (though yet some people still dont understand or refuse to believe)


on the NF3 above 240FSB would not give you corruption...it would simply fail to detect. This has been true on all SATA since it's inception (usually 100Mhz is the limit on the SATA bus, 240FSB on the NF3 means that it finally broke past 100Mhz on the SATA bus)


Rgone is not saying anything from what I can see. He is saying 'we dont know because we dont have a board, and why worry about it if you dont have a board and dont even know what the problem is on a board that no one has yet?'


I dont speculate that because one board had x-problem that another board will have the same x-problem...maybe im just different...

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