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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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I flashed the C19 BIOS, and it is working fine here (with a 3000+ Venice @ 9x250).

This bios comes with a lot of improvements:


- better boot device priority settings

- 3 more memory timings (including Bank Interleaving)

- 216, 233 and 250MHz memory frequency (still no 150 and 183MHz...) :(

- vcore setting from 0.800v ~ 1.850v (not VID + VID Special) (but still undervolts...)


But it lost the half cpu multipliers :(

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if it helps anyone, i just upgraded from a pny 6800nu to a evga 6800gt and it is oc'ed at ultra speeds without too much trouble on this board. I was also hesitant at first to get one but for $210... i took a chance.

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I installed the new BIOS and Windows installed drivers for everyhting all over again


Weird much?


Also bootup is a little slower.



In addition, it has a setting for CPU throthling which is automatically enabled at 50%. I set it to disabled.


You guys should do the same for a nice OC. Plus the temp sensors are a little more accurate.

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I installed the new BIOS and Windows installed drivers for everyhting all over again


Weird much?


Also bootup is a little slower.



In addition, it has a setting for CPU throthling which is automatically enabled at 50%. I set it to disabled.


You guys should do the same for a nice OC. Plus the temp sensors are a little more accurate.


Same thing happened to me when I tried C19, had to much trouble installing the drivers in the first place so I changed back to 7/11 again.


I had some odd troubles installing the drivers, I dloaded the newest nForce3 drivers from nVidia. But when I installed them I got reboot during the install so windows became f#%d up, I had to install it all over again :mad: . I tried it a few times and the same thing always happened. I ended up installing the ones that came with the board, for some reasons they worked ok :confused:. When I try to uninstall the nforce drivers I get reboots also, but atleast it doesn't corrupt windows . I have never heard of anyone with the same problem tho...


Maybe I'm screwing things up, this is my first s939 board :O

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Same thing happened to me when I tried C19, had to much trouble installing the drivers in the first place so I changed back to 7/11 again.


I had some odd troubles installing the drivers, I dloaded the newest nForce3 drivers from nVidia. But when I installed them I got reboot during the install so windows became f#%d up, I had to install it all over again :mad: . I tried it a few times and the same thing always happened. I ended up installing the ones that came with the board, for some reasons they worked ok :confused:. When I try to uninstall the nforce drivers I get reboots also, but atleast it doesn't corrupt windows . I have never heard of anyone with the same problem tho...


I also have reboots if I want to install or remove nForce drivers. Didn't matter if I still used the 7/11 or the C19 bios. If I go into savemode I can install the nForce without problems. So maybe a tip...

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Well I got my opty 146 today and it runs nice on 8/24.


My powersupply *in sig* only puts out 11.91v on the 12v rail. I dont think this is good so I can't get the HTT above 260. Sucks :confused:


If you aren't using a multimeter to check the rails do not trust the bios or monitoring software on this board...I've used a couple of PSU's on this board and they are always at 12v or above and the board shows them at anywhere from 11.71 to 11.93...with the set up in my sig it is reporting 11.71~11.77 in smatguardian..................


I'm sure you can do better. These opterons behave a little differently so I'd say just tinker with it for awhile, especially with memory settings. Memory settings that worked with your Venice will most likely need to be adjusted some...and voltage seems to be very touchy, at least on my 150...

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I installed the new BIOS and Windows installed drivers for everyhting all over again


Weird much?


Also bootup is a little slower.



In addition, it has a setting for CPU throthling which is automatically enabled at 50%. I set it to disabled.


You guys should do the same for a nice OC. Plus the temp sensors are a little more accurate.



How much difference in temp are we talking, and which bios were you using b4





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DOes anyone know of any current online retailers for this board ( preferrably in Canada ).


NCIX is listed as an official DFI reseller, but no longer carry stock, the only one I can find for sale is an open box ( return or refurb ) that has no exchange or refund available. I've read mixed reviews on stability, but in this thread it seems most are worked out, and I'd love to keep within DFI but get rid of my S754 and keep my AGP X800XL.






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