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NF3 - Need help

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I don't know if I can ask this here, but I'm having some issues (i have ruined 4 cd's in a row) when trying to burn an avi file into a CD. The CDRW is an LG GCC-4521b combo drive. When I was burning the CD, the HD activity light was on the hole burning process. The Strange thing that I see here is that my SATA HD and the IDE CDRW, according to Nero Infotool are both in the same IDE channel, being the CDRW the primary IDE device and the HD the second IDE device.


Is this correct?


Thanks in advance,


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Have you tried switching the burner. That would be my first guess. Have you been using the same kind of media ? Just about all the combo drives I have installed have failed, the Samsung have been nightmares. Have you noticed any other activity with the drive ?

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@wangerin: yes, I've been using the same media over 6 months aprox. and this is the first time this thing happened. This drive has no issues reading a CD-R/CDRW/DVD, but now I can't burn anything.


@cyberfossil: I have upgraded the firmware from version 1.5 to 1.7 with the same results.



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@wangerin: yes, I've been using the same media over 6 months aprox. and this is the first time this thing happened. This drive has no issues reading a CD-R/CDRW/DVD, but now I can't burn anything.


@cyberfossil: I have upgraded the firmware from version 1.5 to 1.7 with the same results.




You say that you have been using the same media for 6 months in a row now... How long have you been using the burner? Have you tried burning the same file on difrent media, the same file on a difrent burner with the same media?


I only ask, because both the media and burner are entirely too easy to diagnose if you have access to another burner/media.

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@rogueagent6: Sorry, what I mean to say is that I've been using the same brand of media over 6 months, and the burner is 6 months old. Yes, I have 3 different burners, and there were no problems with the media.


@isamu77: No, I have to try this, I will update with the results.


Thanks for the advices.

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make sure it is the master device on the secondary channel

if you use cable select then connect drive to the end connector of the ide cable


hope i aint telling you stuff you already know :)

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