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Anyone looking forward to it?

3x Core 3.2ghz IBM PowerPC Based CPU :eek2:

Custom 500mhz ATI Graphics Processor

512mb Ram

20gb HardDrive


Sounds very impressive :) I noticed Nvidia and Intel have lost out this time with Microsoft favouring ATI and IBM, like Nintendo did with the Gamecube...


Can't wait to hear about Sony and Nintendos offerings now :D

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I go where the games go. Better/more games = me playing a certain system. That's where I think the Gamecube lost out, cos let's face it, Mario sucks. I'm not gonna play a game just cos it has great graphics.


It will be very interesting to watch the competition between XBox 360 and PS3, 'cos both platforms traditionally have a lot of sick games. I think Microsoft might come out ahead on this one. Too early to tell?

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momma, my brother and I LOVE LOVE LOVE our xbox...we play it about 10x more than the PC (probably about 25x more)


ill end up with a PS3 also when it comes out...I love consoles and these two will be more powerful for gaming than any pc on the planet for a little while...then the PC will catch up then surpass...then Xbox3 and PS4 will come out and the cycle will start over again ;)



the only games i REFUSE to play on the consoles are FPS shooters...no matter how good at an FPS you think you are on a console, I (anyone) with a mouse and kb will whip you silly because no controller is as precise and as fluid as a mouse/kb.


racing, sports, fighting, even RPG's I play on the xbox now instead of the pc =/

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companys try to get 5 years out of consoles. as we all know pc hardware moves alot faster then that. ie vid cards and processors. so yeah it will be nice when it comes out and it will be fast but look at whats ahead for pc. dont get me wrong i like consoles ive just always favored pc's for my gaming.

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I think this generation the consoles(especially Xbox) have held out pretty well against PC's, in comparison with the Playstation, Saturn and N64 generation anyway.


I love all my consoles and play them a lot more than i play games on my PC so i'm about as excited about the Xbox 360 as Angry :D I can't wait. And just think how much you'll pay for an Xbox 360 compared to just a top of the range PC Graphics Card that won't be as good :P The 500mhz ATI Graphics Chip has 10mb of memory built into it and the 3 Core 3.2ghz IBM Processor is capable of handling 6 threads at once. Couple that with 512MB of GDDR 3 SDRAM and a liquid cooling system and you've got one awesome machine! And under 6 months to wait :)


You can play console FPS's with Keyboard and Mouse(you can even use any PC USB Keyboard and Mouse with PS2) but it aint the same. I know you could setup your console on a desk with keyboard and mouse(i remember a lot of old Dreamcast Quake3 users used to do that) and even get a VGA adapter and use your monitor but it kind of defeats the object of console gaming imo. I prefer to relax sat around my TV to play my consoles.

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