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A64 Sub Zero bug

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Does anyone know if there is a BIOS available that fixes the A64 sub zero bug? Seems I have it on my Winnie 3200.


Many thanks,


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OK. It's just that some people have said that a BIOS update 'might' fix it.
That was on the MSI board, this is a different fish. It's never been completely isolated down to the CPU vs. MB level, since not enough people have tried what you are attempting with enough chips and boards. For now, it's just a mystery and your mileage will vary from install to install.

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I've 'upgraded' if you can call it that from a AS8 3rd Eye with 3500 Winnie to this DFI and 3200 on the basis that I wanted to go with PCI-E and I couldn't overclock the 3500 because of a memory controller issue. I guess it is worth using the 3500 at the stage to see if it was the motherboard as this processor definately ran 24/7 subzero.

What processor should I buy next? Does the FX range sufer this problem?

Many thanks,


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chopper, from what I can gather this problem is mostly associated with Winchesters and temps below -20°C. Some people think it is the 90nm core, so maybe a San Diego would have the same problem, while Newcastles may be less prone to the issue.


Other people have no problems with sub zero and Winnies, so it's not a 100% kind of thing. I haven't seen reports using AMD mobile or Sandy 90nm's yet with sub zero cooling, so the jury is still out on that. However, if it is something that can be cured with the right BIOS settings, your DFI BIOS has more flexibility than any other board out there, and the components are top-notch. I'd lean toward trying some cheap Newcastles and see if you can find a sweet one to super cool, or wait for more data on the new cores.

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