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NF3 250Gb Voltages Adjustments Please Help

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Hi i just got this board to replace my Epox 8KDA+3 which had massive undervolting issues, got it all up and running ok but i am having a hard time adjusting any of the Voltages, No matter what i set the CPU or Dram Voltage to in the bios it has no effect, I have checked the voltage from the bios and in Windows using smartGuardian and it reads stock, I cannot get the Voltages to increase at all, MY CPU is a Athlon 64 2800 which happily ran at 2400Mhz on the Epox at 1.6v,


I have flashed the bios to the latest official and am now using the DFI beta 10/15 - 4.0 vdimm - by Jess1313 & Samurai Jack, but still no change.


My PSU is Antec 380W, any advice would be greatly appreciated

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ok i removed the battery left it out for 4 hours, still the same :confused:


if i change the voltage setting in the bios save and exit then go back in its still at the setting i left it at, but according to SmartGuardian in Windows and the bios's own Voltage read out they are running at stock.


I am adjusting the CPU VID control for the CPU abd the Dram voltage for the memory, theres also a CPU special control but I'm not too sure what that does.


Again any help is appreciated

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ok had another mess, I have now got the Dram voltage up to 2.8v the only way i can do this is to leave the CPU VID Control on auto if i try to change it the Dram Voltage drops to 2.5v, no matter what i try i cannot increase the CPU voltage,


On a plus side I am currently running the CPU at 2400Mhz (300x8) and its been running Prime95 for the last hour or so, :D


I'm starting to wonder if the CPU voltage issue is a problem with the CPU not the board, I say this because my previous board a Epox 8KDA+3 had undervolting problems with this same CPU ,whenever i overclocked it, most the time reading 1.4v, Epox have always claimed there wasnt a undervolting problem, the reason i say this is one of the times i rebooted back into the bios the CPU voltage actually read 1.4v, If anyone has any suggestions i csn try let me know

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This may be off the subject, but the power supply seems a little underpowered to me for this kind of system? The SVID % allows you to fine tune the voltage so 1.425 @ 113% = 1.61v etc etc. I stay in the 1.425 to 1.475 and tweak the % up or down depending on whether or not the computer likes what I am doing to it at the time. Higher FSBs tend to crash at lower voltage output in my case. My sweet spot is 1.639v (any combo between 1.425 and 1.475 with the +% that gets me in the ballpark.) The higher the FSB, the more volts I require. I am working on a spreadsheet to show me the statistics of FSB to voltage performance including max temps under a simulated load of Prime95.

So back on topic, could it be that his 380W PSU isn't up to the task?

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interesting point demonR6 but would a underpowered PSU make it so i couldnt adjust the CPU voltage at all.? at the moment its quite happily running at 300x8 prime95 stable for 3 hours+ and i have also ran all the 3DMarks numerous times without any problems, I can now make adjustments to the DRAM voltages but only if i leave the CPU voltages alone, very strange, Thanks for the input i need all the help i can get

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The psu is on the light side..


Firefox35.. If you select the voltage you want.. saveexit go right back into bios and saveexit again .. does it stick ?


You could also try to flash to the 128 bios.. it helped with the vagp voltage not sticking but maybe it will help you too.. Its beta which isnt supported by DFI but you have flashed to a beta already anyways.. so maybe its worth a shot..

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