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NF4 beta testers - please check Beta section

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whats wrong with just hotflashing? quick to do. i find it faster than the bios savior, that is when a flash does go bad and thats very, very rare. works for me mainly because ive got another comp with the same bios socket type so i just boot it with a DOS disk, flip the chip out and replace with the duff one, wipe the ROM chip then reflash it, never fails :cool:


Hotflashing faster than a Bios Savior??? What ever you are smoking I want some lol!!!


Unless you have the same MB then Hot Flashing is an art form and you had better know

all the Awdflash switches needed to over ride the various locks you will encounter.


The same socket type is not a guaranty either. The bios chip used in the Hot Flash MB

has to have the same capacity (4Mb) as the chip used in the DFI as well.



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Hotflashing faster than a Bios Savior??? What ever you are smoking I want some lol!!!


Unless you have the same MB then Hot Flashing is an art form and you had better know

all the Awdflash switches needed to over ride the various locks you will encounter.


The same socket type is not a guaranty either. The bios chip used in the Hot Flash MB

has to have the same capacity (4Mb) as the chip used in the DFI as well.




When I hotflashed my bios in a MSI NEO S754 board it told me something about the size but buy using the /F switch I got past it and it flashed everything nice and it didnt took a long time.

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you can also check with Tmod and see if he has replacement chips for the NF4:






as i stated before, we are picky in who we choose to beta test these bioses. Most beta bios gets thrown up at xtreme forums or here etc and everyone gets them.


the bioses that our group tests sometimes are those bioses before everyone gets them...sometimes they are evil machine-wrecking nasties that you want nothing to do with and are glad we tested them before some fool put them up at the Street or xtreme forums and killed your board.


we've had plenty of testers just get the bios from teh section and never report other than to every forum he could post it on and then some angry users came looking to find out why the hell their board wouldn't boot anymore and we told them 'beta bioses are not supported and you use them at your own risk' which is true on any road you travel...but if the bios had STAYED in teh beta section only, it would have never found its way outside to kill those machines right? Right.


then we've had the guys that never report but grab all the bioses (luckily they just dont go posting them everywhere, sharing them like herpes). We ask and ask and ask "please report on the things we wanted tested" and all it leads to is more asking and asking and asking and finally revoking the priv to see the beta section.


then we get those eager beavers that come download it and then report all the things they wish were in the bios, or all the complaints about what WASNT being fixed in the bios, etc. They dont report on the things we asked them to report on. They waste an entire 2500 word post going off on tangents about this or that when we already knew about that, or werent interested in that only the things we initially said we wanted tested.






didn't I kinda go over all this in an earlier post? i suppose I should tie it into hotflashing, but seems someone already did...but it still sorta goes along with what i just posted again...some dudes claim they have bios saviour or spare chip then next thing you know i see them writing tech support to get their chip reflashed, or them crying in a thread about how their rig is dead and no backup plan etc...


so...again, i hate sounding like a jerk. but if you have made good contributions to this forum, are someone we've spent some time with on Skype or MSN etc, and know exactly how to act in a beta testing situation, you've already been asked to join up.


Those of you with 9 posts, or a bit of over-eagerness to test that have only been around for about 2 weeks...we like you, and we value you as a member of the forum...and we'll ask you if you stick around and be a helpful member etc...but these threads are mainly to just alert the current beta testers to not forget to take a look in the beta section since there is something new to test! (we only test about once every other month but they are important).


anyway, i appreciate the enthusiasm for wanting to help out...but its usually not what you expected, and it can be a headache for Oskar trying to decipher.


anyway, like I said, Tmod might have some chips for the NF4 if you want some (sorta like Elts Drac did back at the beginning). Or get a real BIOS Saviour. But we'll ask ya to test if we like ya and think you'd be fit it ;)


excuse my ranting...im on a bad Angry-At-Mystery-GEIL-memory kick at the moment...


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When I install new upgrade for vidcard cooler.

Besides I originally just hot flashed a spare chip leftover from Drac as soon as I got the board and still have the original (If I had to RMA, orig bios would be much simpler to have on hand.


AG/RG - PM me if I should go take a look @ the pretty (like all roses, gotta be careful of thorns hehe) biosi.

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Angry are there going to be any beta bios for the vapochill? I have one sitting in my room waiting to be installed but it seems that everyone with a winnie are having issues with restarts and what not. Shiet.....i think i will install the damn classy lady and see how it goes.


I would love to be a beta tester!????? I have 2 bios chips but no savior. HOLLER!

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mad mikee: log out and log back into forums. Please report your findings asap!



Char: i dont have a vapochill...nor a prometia...install it (or loan it to me hahaha) and let me know how it goes.


you have two spare bios chips for the NF4 board?

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aight you been around a while...but remember we testing for a purpose...meaning you got to throw down on the 3/10 or earlier bios and keep track of your testing, and then try the new 3/16 alpha bios in the beta section and report results of that vs 3/10 (including being able to use the yellow DIMM slots).


log out and back in and see if you can see the beta section

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Hello Angry Games,


I would like to betatest, too. IMHO I'm one of the few guys here (if there are a few even) who uses his board under Linux, too. I also betatesting with ATI, so maybe I can be for some help :)


BTW, I found a weird "bug" in the 3/10 bios. If I turn on num-lock, the arrow keys (the normal ones, I'm not talking about the keypad) stop working. With the old bioses (up to the 2/18 beta) I didn't have this problem. (I know, for most users, this is a cosmetic one, but for me, it's really annoying, as GRUB (the bootloader) turns it on automatically in the bootmenu). After the bootup of the OS (Windows/Linux), it works fine. You can check it if You go into the bios setup screen, and turn on numlock. Voila, the problem exist there, too.



P.S: usb keyboard, usb keyboard support is enabled in the bios.

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