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Good board!

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Just got this board a few days ago and so far so good!I went from a Soyo KT600 Platinum and Mobile XP2600 O/C'd.Even at stock this 3400+NC is quicker and snappier.I did manage to find a good home for the active chipset cooler that came on the Soyo.

It fit perfectly on the DFI chipset.Barely started to play around with O/Cing this thing and had it up to 2700 no problems.Time to start studying the bios and OC settings to do it right.

This board rocks. :nod:

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Yea this board is one of a kind when it comes to clocking.

I went from a Chaintech vnf 250.. which rocked for the money also. i still would put that board in the #1 spot as far as bang for buck... but the DFI is far superior for sure.

And about the CH-5... i have had lots of CH-5 and NONE did anything at any volts. i could run 5-2-2-2 but unstable @ 3.1v

and imo thats not worth it.. could do 6-2-3-2 up to 218mhz with 3.1v and under. and x-3-3-3 didnt post.. and CL 2.5 got stuck at 220mhz.. my first set was corsair 2x256 3200LL XMS it sucked and i forget the rest.. i have 1x512 corsair also and it was identical to the 256 as far as OC went. Its good fast ram.. but not for OC'ng IMHO.

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i Use the 10/15 Bios by jess1313, its a beta.. i have used the 9/14 official and jess1313 4v one... all seemed to be equal as far as performance and OC went... i had 0 hitches with all... except once or twice ive had to save bios settings 2 times to get them to Hold. the shipping bios doesnt like when you turn off CPU throttling.. which is a good idea to have this disabled for OC'ng

so.. i upgraded.

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Originally posted by ][nSaNe

And about the CH-5... i have had lots of CH-5 and NONE did anything at any volts. i could run 5-2-2-2 but unstable @ 3.1v

and imo thats not worth it.. could do 6-2-3-2 up to 218mhz with 3.1v and under. and x-3-3-3 didnt post.. and CL 2.5 got stuck at 220mhz..

i'm running my ch-5 @ 235 w/ 2-2-2-5 timings, 3.5v's right now. haven't burned in yet so we'll see how far i can take it and what the minimal voltage i will be able to use in the end. i've seen that afte burn in people can run there voltages lower at the sames speed than before. he might have a good set. i've seen people with the same timings as me and ic chips get 240-245@2-2-2-5 and 3.3-3.4v's. you never know till you try. i'll be doing my burn-in all this week starting tomorrow(including the weekend) so i'll let you know how it turns out.

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nice... i guess i shouldnt say that ch-5 wont OC but i dunno i never had anyluck with that stuff... had some cheap samsung generic for a while... with TCCC chips and they rocked for 120.CAD

for 2x512 got those puppys running ddr530 8-3-4-3 and ddr 500 @ 8-3-3-3 and that was what they are rated for at ddr400 LOL.

i have had numerous sticks of TCCC and they ALL react the same... 2.8-2.9v and ddr500+ for sure its good stuff if your looking to go cheap and get hi OC.. had way better bandwidth with TCCC @ ddr500 than ch-5 @ stock 6-2-3-2.. anyways though

congrats on the OC man... keep em comin... drop that multi and suprise me with some killer ram clocks... i wish i could make my 3000+ do 2.7ghz

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