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BH-5 Aren't doing well

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I have 3 X 512 Cosair PC3500 BH-5s


THey all are running 200 FSB X 13 @ 2-2-2-5 now prime stable for an hour, havent tried any longer yet.


When I try it as 217 fsb or anything over 200 FSB then prime and memtest fails. My vdimm is maxed out. I've tried looser timings, still no go. Should I conclude that my sticks are bad?

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Have you tried lowering the multi to say like 9 or 10 then raise the fsb?

also I believe yo aint gonna have much luck with 3x512 due to the nfII mem controller, most peeps with high fsb have a gig max.I would try high fsb with 2x512 first to see how high you can go then throw the other one in and do some benchies to compair.But I dont think yur gonna see much diff with the xtra 512...Good luck

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MaMMa have you tryed to run each stick on its own to see if you have a bad one.I kind of dought that all your sticks are no good.

If you find that your set up runs better on 2 sticks like Mott13 suggested and would like to sell one let me know.But i realy hope you get it right with your set up.

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oops, I forgot to say that I did have a lower multiplyer.


Was running them at like 255X10.


Anyways, I will test them one by one now. I really want all my sticks though.


Also How would my oc be with these sticks and posibbly a fourth bh-5 with an a64? just wondering if I should keep these or get a whole new set when I hop on a64.

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Its not stable though :mad: I gotta wait another hour before I can start testing the sticks one by one. WOrking on something atm.


try not to look to much at my wife and focus on the problem, thanks :cool:

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Sounds strange but try putting dif sticks in dif slots. My last LP B mobo had to have 1 512m stick in slot 3 and 1 in slot 2 if I swapped the two around it would fail memtest an prime right away, but if I had them in "correctly" it would pass both :P??

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