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what OS are people running 32 bit or 64 biit?

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for all you AMD 64 users, what OS are you guys running and are you having any compatibility problems with the OS and the CPU?


im runnign XP Pro 32 bit on a 64 bit 2800+. i havent seen any problems with any apps.. yet. i do notice so far when i play Doom3, it takes about 1 to 2 mins to load the game. when i click on the icon, it takes awhile for it to load. i never had this problem before while running on my P4 system. and yes, everything is hooked up correctly. plus, this was a fresh install when i noticed the problem, then i re-installed everything last night figuring it might clean the problem up, but didnt. so who knows.


but anyways, thinking about switching over to XP 64 pro, but wondering what everyone is runnning as well.



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Tried 64 bit a couple of months ago... at that time still not enough 64 bit drivers for all hardware, etc....


The OS itself ran super fast compared to the same system on xp 32 bit, but 32 bit apps such as games were about the same.


I'd like to know from someone running xp64 currently if they have updated enough drivers, etc.. to make it worth reinstalling at this point or is it still really beta.

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well i DLed XP 64 today from Micro$oft, and was thinking about installing it tonight. i know there are drivers out there for my ATI GPU, but not sure about anything else. makes me wonder now if the mobo drivers for my new DFI mobo are 64 or 32?


im just trying to get the to root of the problem with 1 to 2 min + startup time for Doom 3. everythign works fine, but then again i havent had the chance to really install much of everythign else.


just benchmarking tools, and other crap



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Buggy is an understatement.


I think some of the problems are the immature drivers that are available.


64bit 'nix operating systems don't seem to have the same problems.


I'm running two different 64bit 'nix operating systems for fun on my 250Gb rig for testing and they are real stable. Plus there is a ton of 64bit software available for them.

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on the doom3 issue your having. . doom3 requires a good amount of ram. even HL2 has long load times with just the 512mb pc3200 i have now. your gonna experience this with these games till you can get some more ram. 1gb of pc3200 would be your best bet to get those load times down.

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I've tried the 64-bit version also, and it was pretty sucky. I uninstalled it after about 2 weeks. I really couldn't tell much difference between the two versions, except alot more driver headaches with Windows64. It just needs some more time to get all the bugs worked out and more software support. I'm sure I'll try it again in about a year or so.



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i can honestly say also that the VIA 64-bit drivers combined with ATI, Creative Audigy 64-bit drivers was VERY stable for me. I tried them out on the K8M800-MLV (SFF) and it worked great for the week I was able to leave it on =)


but Ive read a lot of forums and a big majority said then what they say now...immature 64-bit drivers combined with only 32-bit software means we never have yet seen anything worthy to make 64-bit viable for us (the gamer/tweaker/normal user).


i suppose if I ran a stock machine with low-end graphics and reg old Creative Sound Blaster audio that it would make a great server...if there were mature 64-bit server programs (like databases and such that servers typically use)

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