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Guest culinist_merged

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Having gotten easily stoned on a martini, after a strenuous workout, i decided to bring myself back down to earth with a cup of coffee.


I tried this coffee called "Seattle's Best" and I tell you, it is the best cup of coffee I've ever tasted! The grounds smelled like stinky feet. If it smells like stinky feet, ya know it is good coffee. lol.


PS: Very nice weather this weekend...crystal blue skies no humidity, and low last night was 42! crisp and cool... rock on!

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We hit 95F for a high and the heat index was above 115F for a few hours this afternoon. It's 84F with a 101F heat index at 10:00pm.


More of the same the next few days. Thursday looks like a break at only 90F with much lower humidity.


Thank goodness for Air Conditioning!

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Guest culinist

First time I've seen off topic cover a whole page plus one thread on the next page, with unread threads.


This place is gettin cwazy!!!


Well heres a round on me :)

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Especially considering Trevor wasn't involved! lol


First time I've seen off topic cover a whole page plus one thread on the next page, with unread threads.


This place is gettin cwazy!!!


Well heres a round on me :)

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Guest culinist
It just U that ain't been in here fer long time...



Nah, it was just a day. Don't think I've missed a day in the life of a DFI maniac, since AG started workin for DFI a few years ago. That's why I was surprised.


Oh man I need a life.:)

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Man, that was quite the earthquake last night, I'm sure Angry and Momma felt it, It was the first one i've ever felt and it was kind of scary. Its epicenter was in SW Montana very close to where I live. I sure hope there aren't any more soon....

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Man, that was quite the earthquake last night, I'm sure Angry and Momma felt it, It was the first one i've ever felt and it was kind of scary. Its epicenter was in SW Montana very close to where I live. I sure hope there aren't any more soon....



5.6 on the scale, thats a nice shaker. Having grown up in So California I have felt from the no big deal shakers to the dive under the table rockers. What's got me spooked now is I'm living in tornado country. :eek2:

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Man, that was quite the earthquake last night, I'm sure Angry and Momma felt it, It was the first one i've ever felt and it was kind of scary. Its epicenter was in SW Montana very close to where I live. I sure hope there aren't any more soon....


We actually didn't, but I guess people living in the McCall area did.

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