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can't run at stock speeds

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What kind of memory timings are you using? Have you tried CPC OFF? Off the top of my head, the guys here have mentioned many times that CAS3 is bad on the nForce boards, and that disabling CPC can help sometimes (at a performance hit) if you're having problems with dual channel.


Also, have you manually set the AGP bus speed and the voltages in the GENIE BIOS section? This helped me immensely to solve cold boot issues.


If you had a **digital camera** and could take some pictures of your BIOS settings, it would really help. Maybe there is something glaringly obvious to some of the old vets that might jump out. I'm considering borrowing a friends and doing this and putting the screenies up to see if I can get some pointers myself. :D

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I have tried many different memory timings for the standard set of timings at least.

I have tried things like:

23337 (ram default)







I have tried CPC on and off for all of those timings.

All the crazy timings after that I have not touched except for the cpc.

Everything after the first 5 timings:

T(RC) 13

T(RFC) 15

The next group is all Auto

SuperBypass Enabled

Sync Mode Memory Bypass Auto

Data Scavenge Rate Fast

All Driving Strengths set to Auto


I think that about covers it. I'll take a pic of the bios screen when my camera finishes charging. I found a pic I had taken before flashing to the 6/19 bios If you want to look at that. The 6/19 bios about doubled the ammount of options in there though.

The pic is here


The OCZ PC3500 DDR has been out since before the Ultra B was avaliable. OCZ lists compatability with this motherboard on thier website: http://www.ocztechnology.com/support/motherboard/68

I had orrigionally bought this ram right when the Ultra B came out and have since RMAed it and gotten very new 3500 modules. I had orrigionally thought they were to blame so I RMAed them. I knew it couldnt be the memory when even Corsair wouldn't work in this board. I swear the bios just isnt detecting the settings properly for this ram. It detects the first 5 latency settings fine but everything after that could be set wrong and I have not found anything online that tells me what these settings should/could be.

The OCZ site had recommended settings for the 3500 modules in the Ultra B motherboard but they were designed for if you were having problems going beyond 230mhz fsb. I tried em anyway but they didn't work. The recommended settings were found here


I have also tried a barton 2500+ proc that is known to run perfectly at and beyond 200mhz fsb. It went up to 215mhz w/o any probs in my friends machine. His machine just has samsung 2700 modules w/o heatsinks and he was able to run at 215mhz and run prime95 w/ no probs. He is one lucky bastard, lol.


I have also tried setting all of the voltages manually and upping/lowering the voltages on everything to see if that helps at all. It doesn't change a thing :(

I have noticed that all of my voltages jump around a lot or at least the bios and the hardware doctor say they do. My vcore is always skipping around to like 1.640, 1.632, 1.680, 1.664. All my other voltages are skipping around like that also, some by as much as .04 or .10 up and down. I have a feeling this is just because the winbond chip is reading it wrong though because my fan controller reads the 5v and 12v channels as staying very stable at 5v and 11.8v. The motherboard I RMAed had even more variety in it's voltages. That is what made my replace my powersupply from a vantec 520watt to an Antec 550watt.

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In other threads I have seen the voltage bouncing around is because noise affects the measuring chip, and the actual rail voltage is quite stable. I double checked mine with a voltmeter and found them to be quite solid even though the BIOS reports them as bouncy.


If you are looking for safe settings for the RAM then Load Optimized Defaults should pick it for you. But generally if I am having ram issues I try:

3-4-4-11 CPC off and I leave the settings after that as defaults (which is what you have done too)

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I have gutted my machine, put all the stock heatsinks and fans back on everything, and given the parts to friends to test out. If nothing comes out of that I think I'll just go for a new AthlonFX proc/motherboard or something. Maybe that will be more compatable with everything. This computer has cost me soooo much time and money I hate spending even more on it but I REALLY would like a computer that at least can run at it's rated speeds.

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Dont give up just yet!!(unless yur going pentium or a64)see if you can get rid of that cpu and ram on ebay you should get a good penny for them and get yurself a mobile chip and some BH-5...I just bought a 512 stick today on ebay for 150 aint cheap but its way worth it!!! I got my first pair on ebay and they run at 250 fsb now.Believe me when I tell you I have had 2 pairs of ocz my first was yur brand exactly and they were mostly unstable after 210.Second pair I had was the gold 4000

did a lil better but not much... these with every cpu vdimm vdd voltage cpc on/off ram timmings combo possible to get them not even close to where I am now... The absoulute BEST combination for the lpb/infinity is some bh5-6 and some ch-5 and a mobile chip you can't go wrong!!!I feel bad for you bro I know what it's like to spend a lot on yur computer and not

get to where you thought you would be:(when you have the right parts for this monster she act's like a whole different being...If you can find some good ram grab a mobile chip and if that dont work well Im sure rgone could send you one of his many nfII monsters:)


Edit : I just read above that you tried some corsair 3200 (god I hate to say spend more money) but a mobile wont even be as much as a new mb

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:nod:...actually I ain't got no monsters to send. HEhehehehe. I got sitting there running 260X10 as my processor does not like over 2625 on air. Hehehehe. But you are right and I do hae the good memory and I knew to get the 'right' power supply and I surfed enough to know to stay away from the 3000/3200+ processors which I would have done on the basis of unlocked mobile cpu anyway. I really feel for many that set out to put together a rig now days and have way more respect for system intergrators than I once did. It is a tough job to find all the pieces that mesh well together now days.


And sadly the board and pieces in question in front of me could be diagnosed out in likely less than 30 minutes as many as you or I have done. We did the homework and positioned and in many cases re-positioned ourselves to get the goodness out of the DFI sisters.


And the truth is, I have never had such and easy go of it as I have with my GLOROKHO UT 250gb. But guess what? There again I have 'great' memory left over from the NF2 sisters and it is again good on the GLOROK. So there just is no substitute for 'the' memory on specailty performance boards.


And I have some of that SAME dang memory coming to me right now to test in one of my "monsters" to see if it is in fact some of that BH-5 stuff of the last batches of winbond that was flawed as I mentioned a few posts above which he just flew over because ti was not what he wanted to hear. I will test these two sticks on the way to me and if they fail; well they will be RMA'd and for sure it is memory problem and not board problem because my board does not have a problem. I know the memory will likely be bad.


Sincerely, RGone...

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I know RG I was kiddin:)I just really feel bad for this dude.. this is the BEST mb I've ever owned and I hate to see other peeps having such bad problems..I used to be a assus fanboy but with the support from this community and the amazing motherboards from dfi Ill stay with dfi for a long time to come and no dought my next mb will be the dfi 939 I hope I can wait that long cause RG's gloating of his GLOROK is almost making me dip in my wallet right now....NO....MUST ....RESIST....MU..SST....RE....ARRGGG..............

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According to this chart: http://pub.lorenz.bei.t-online.de/winbondlist.htm

The corsair 3200 modules I tried were BH5 modules.


I got the 3200+ because I didn't care about overclocking anymore. I just wanted to run at 200mhz fsb and I figured that would be the way to do it because it is rated to do that with out any tweaking. I shouldn't need some special rare ram to just run my system at factory rated speed should I?

Has anyone here even run their Lanparty ultra b at completely stock speeds? Or do you have to tweak the crap out of it to get it to work at all?

I know the usual purpose for this board is overclocking but if it can't ever run at stock speeds shouldn't it be advertised as only working if you oc the crap out of it?


I have tried to oc right off the bat but it results in no posting and usually a siren of beep.....beep.....beep.... and I have to clear the cmos using the jumpers.

tried 217mhz (ram default speed)

and various others, 230mhz was the highest I tried.

I of course upped the vcore and vdimm when doing this.


We will see what becomes of my friends hardware testing but I'm not very hopeful. I'll bet all my parts are going to work fine in their comps :(

I'm pretty sure the 3200+ I have is unlocked. I noticed all the L1 Bridges are connected just like my unlocked 2500+. I wish I would have noticed that before tearing my machine appart but oh well. When/if I put that comp back together I'll try lowering the multi to see if it is indeed unlocked.

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:) ...you are deeyam right that we both hate it when one had trouble with a setup that the theory is it should work but some just do not.


The truth is that the 3200+'s have given real headaches> he has one.


The oCz PC3500 that he was mentioning at one time in the last of the winbond chip fab process could give fits with NF2 and run very slow compared to other BH-5 and here again I think he has/had some of that.


Now here is a truth> Put pc3200 memory in the system. Put 400DDR/200mhz cpu in the system and load optimized defaults.

See if boots? Does not boot? RMA the board. Simple. This precludes all the beating around.


Then new board comes. Install all parts and still no boot. Then you settle in and find out what is wrong or what needs changing during setup. Again simple.


So no certain aspects of what I said were not kidding; that is whichever parts were perceived as kidding. I hate more than most know to see people with trouble. Any trouble really. But there are times I realize that the deck may be stacked. This may be one of those cases. AG asks to put specs in sig and I see link instead of specs. For me that is one strike.


Above I described a legit RMA scenario. PC3200/400fsb Cpu and won't boot right = legit RMA. If board out of warranty from original purchaser= email me and I will point the way to RMA from DFI in CA. Can't do much more than that.


Sincerely, RGone...

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I hate having to RMA this board again. Is it really that possible that I got 2 boards that have the same exact problem? I can RMA it to newegg again I suppose but what if I have the same problem with yet another board? It would have to be something else then shouldn't it? I swear that this motherboard's bios just has to many crazy settings and some of them arn't set right.

Could someone who has the 6/19 bios just list all of their ram and genie bios settings exactly as they are in thier bios? And/or tell me exactly what all of those extra ram settings are?

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Just read through this whole thing, and it sounds kinda like the probelm I had. First, read this post:




Based on what I'm understanding, your problem is that you can boot and install when running underclocked, but not at stock or OCed speeds, and you are using an AMD 3200+. I had the same problem, dumped the 3200+ (fought to get them to refund it...yay!), and got a XP-M 2600+, and I'm whizzing along happily. I stongly recommend you test out a different processor on that system, and see how things go. I had a faulty 3200+ and so have others (I'm the dude RGone refered to that sent ALL his stuff to Angry), so AMD may have shipped a bad batch of them. OCing really isnt that bad, and this baord is great. Once you get the hang of it you'll love it...I HATED it at first, and now she works like a charm!

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I guess the cheapest next step would be to try a mobile... If it doesn't work right off I'll just send it back. Do you have any suggestions to an online place I can purchase one? I would just go right to Newegg but if other places are selling a supposidly better one please let me know.

I guess this board just hates desktop barton processors... It didn't work with my 2500 and it doesn't work with my 3200. If this is always the case maybe the 3200 should be taken off the supported list on the dfi website, lol.

If I do get a mobile am I going to have to do that volt mod I keep reading about in order to use it at all? Or is that just for crazy ppl that run theirs at 260mhz ;)

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