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Abit Fatal1ty


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Hi does DFI have any plans to implement some of the technologies that are going to be used on abits' latest product line of enthusiast boards?


I dont want to jump ship in the future, so I hope DFI will!




Here is the linky


Abit included a redesign of the clock generator. Abit went directly to the clock gen manufacturer to redesign the generator to allow completely independent control over the FSB, memory bus, PCI Express and PCI buses



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:confused: ...are you going Intel? That link sent me to stuff about the new Intel chipsets which in fact I think a number of mobo manu's did implement the various buss speeds that you are seeing that article talk about. It is Intel stuff though. Not AMD and I think the new DFI Intel boards are in fact coming PCi-E and such on them with the use of DDR2 memory.


What many of the mobo makers seem about to DO though is come with the new cpu socket paired with the older 875/865 type chipset which although 'cheaper' for cheaper folks> will not have support for a lot of the NEW chipsets funtions because the new chipset will nOt be used.


People who only read reviews and fail to do their 'homework' are going to be in for both; a giant surprise 'and' dissappointment when buying unknowingly over the next 2-6 months as mobo makers try to supply mr elcheapo with a cheapo rig.


I have just about given up on trying to second guess 'what' really will be released. It changes from day to day it almost seems. And the 'next' motherboard, I lay out hard cash on will be one I have seen used in the hands of 'qualified' users and their no BS user experiences will guide me to lay money out. Going to be a strange ride over the next 10 months.


Sincerely, RGone...

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Yup I realise tis a Intel mthbrd, but I await to see if abit release this line up supporting an AMD chipset, this is what will interest me for any possible future upgrade.


It is early days yet, we will have to wait and see wht happens.



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Originally posted by CrimeDog

I don't see what you're so excited about? Only nice feature I could see about that board is the large amount of power regulation.


Errrrr, give me a board that gives me total control over the clock generator, ofcourse im excited.


It remains to be seen if this is the case, but if u cant understand why such a feature would make a tweaking enthusiast happy then there is no point in me trying to xplain to you why.



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I doubt seriously that AMD is any time soon going in that route at all. The only reason the mobo makers did so with the newer Intel platforms is they (Intel) are even more into the business of saying you will NOT run but X faster than the cpu you actually purchased.


You start reading up on the new Intel stuff and you start hearing phrases like floating/virtual buss speeds for SATA devices and even other of the normal busses. Yep, that is some strange phraseology.


M$ and Intel actually want to do away with the bios as we know it today to be hacked and so forth. They want the bios to be part of the O/s and hence the look down the road is not as clear nor 'prime' as one might perceive. Hehehehehehehe.


Floating buss speed. What a forking hoot. I got speeds already and settings that seem floating at times and I don't like it so I know I am not interested in Intel floating me anything at this moment. And hope AMD continues on as they are with at least a bios and some control so that DFI does not have to go to the clock generator folks to get around another of the quirks that tend to disallow the sport of overclocking. Hehehehehehe.


Man I am going to run out and look for me a life.


Udderwise me is RGone...1ster>:angel: :shake:

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Originally posted by mongoled

Errrrr, give me a board that gives me total control over the clock generator, ofcourse im excited.


It remains to be seen if this is the case, but if u cant understand why such a feature would make a tweaking enthusiast happy then there is no point in me trying to xplain to you why.



From the article Other little bits of info that I was able to gather from Abit included a redesign of the clock generator. Abit went directly to the clock gen manufacturer to redesign the generator to allow completely independent control over the FSB, memory bus, PCI Express and PCI buses. This will of course add to the overclocking potential in this model from Abit.


So now we'll be able to control the pci bus and pci-e bus in windows? Woohoo! We're totally getting like 5 more 3dmarks.


What I was trying to say was: We already have control over the fsb and memory bus, and no one really cares about the pci/agp/pci-e bus because we can lock it. So what's the big deal with this board?

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one of the clock generators on my 8RGA+ can generate a pulse from 2MHz to 90MHz ... PCI bus???


I can find use for only 4 generators ... PCI, AGP, FSB, memory ... where does the fifth one belong to???

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Lesson number one:


Never post about competitor mthbrds


It would seem that from some of the answers in this thread that my perception of this forum is flawed. I felt that here I could discuss freely about any type of stuff, irrespective of company ties. Yes I know it is a DFI forum, but, lets look at my initial concern


by mongoled Hi does DFI have any plans to implement some of the technologies that are going to be used on abits' latest product line of enthusiast boards?


An honest question, out of a total of 4 posters (not including myself) only half have understood the reasoning for this thread and have participated in a fashion which for me emphasizes the reasons I enjoy posting here. The other responses I feel have been tainted by the fact that the board I mentioned is an abit.


I dont care if the board is an abit, an MSI, an EPOX or whatever else u would want to call it, I am an enthusiast, thats all, I like my DFI brd, and would like to continue buying DFI brds, but this dosent stop me looking at other mthbrd manufacturers. The same goes for any type of product I wish to one day buy.


Any negative vibes some of you have against abit, please direct them to abit, I feel that I do not deserve to have flak directed towards me because I decided to post abt another manufacturer on these boards.


I wont make that mistake again.


As to leave no doubt whom I am talking abt I will make it clear, RGone and Slavik thanxs for particpating in this thread in a manner in which im happy of being a member @ DFI-STREET .




What the problem, is it this


by mongoled I dont want to jump ship in the future, so I hope DFI will!


Which has got u hot under the collar. Why do i feel this way abt your posts, well.....its becuase any sort of positive feelings I have abt this board you have attempted to dampen them. Do u have a problem with me being excited abt this mthbrd?




Please, what type of comment was yours? I appreciate your distaste for abit, it makes sense, but seeing that u made absolutely no attempt to give any sort of positive input into this thread, the type of comment you have made is unwanted. In almost every forum I participate in a moderator would have perceived that as a flame.


Im fed up of fanboys, be it nvidia, ati, intel, AMD, you name it. I dont care, abt who makes what, as long as they provide a service to me which i find satisfactory I will buy again. If i get messed abt I wont. Simple as that.


Now I dont want to be calling anybody here a fanboy, but if I feel that I cant post freely abt another manufacturer, which is how i feel right now, I cant see what other conclusion I can draw.



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