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Nforce ethernet or realtek

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Which is the best to use for online gaming



sorry for the nooby question



connecting to netgear 834 to asdl 512



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First of all make a sig so we can see what you are working with. Secondlym by chance are you running a Zonealarm firewall? I was running v5.0 and it was freezing both NIC's until I uninstalled and rolled back to 4.5. It's been golden ever since.

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Since the nVidia NIC is integrated to the chipset, I bet it will be less CPU hungry and maybe even fraction of mS faster (ping) that the realtek external solution ;)


For me, it just did not deliver the MB/sec as the realtek solution (nForce NIC peak at about 7.5MB/sec, while the realtek going to 10.5MB/sec - both same machine and same network - 100MB full) and since I move a lot's of HUGE data over the network, the realtek is clear winner to me :D


For gaming the nVidia should be better solution :P


Freezes? Flash latest official bios properly, clear the CMOS, load optimizes defaults, then set your settings again and it should NOT give you any glitch :) If it does and you overclocking, replace the stock pathetic cooler with Zaman ZM NB47J - I used 32J and it's not big enought I think now :eek: :cat:

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Guest rcillig
Originally posted by trodas

Freezes? Flash latest official bios properly, clear the CMOS, load optimizes defaults, then set your settings again and it should NOT give you any glitch :) If it does and you overclocking, replace the stock pathetic cooler with Zaman ZM NB47J - I used 32J and it's not big enought I think now :eek: :cat:


What cooler you talking about ? I got this same problem.

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Sorry, typo - Zalman ZM NB47J ;)


I using ZM32J and temperatures go over 58C :rolleyes:



...so I suggesting glue on the SB by ArcticSilver not the ZM NB32J (http://ax2.wz.cz/show.php?p=wc&id=81&c=8&d=1&v=v2) but the ZM NB47J (http://www.zalman.co.kr/eng/product/view.asp?idx=71&code=014)


...i planing add myself this one on my testing mobo, so later I can say what temp it get - but it is on open air - test bench, welll ;)


Currently with the default heatsink there are - 59.6C :O :eek: :(

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well, I was using the GigaLan for about a week... nice downloads, everything seemed to be going very well.


Then I decided to load Sacred up and play over the LAN, again on the GigaLan... a weird experience, seemed to involve WinSock on this game, I could connect to them hosting the game... but they could not connect to me hosting a game.


Switched to the nForce Lan, and the problem seems to have gone away.


Not much of a test mind you... but the first Lan game after loading this mobo has pushed me in the direction of using the nForce for games... and quite possibly for everything.

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Ever since I heard the NV port taking some cpu, I disabled it and only have been using the Realtek. No problems, transfering is fast across the network both up and down, online gaming has been fine.

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