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PCI IRQ Sharing on LanParty rev B

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Hello, i recently bought a Lanparty NFII rev. B and i didn't set up my new system at the present time because i woulkd like to know some things before i do it. Does anybody know what's the best pci slot to put in a soundblaster Audigy 2 avoiding irq sharing with any onboard peripheral(or with few of them)? I think to set the APIC mode OFF as suggested on internet. So, do you know anithing about this topic? Thank's :)

P.S: do you think I'd better flash new bios 6/19 before installing windows?

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I would flash the BIOS to 06/19 as the very first thing. When you are setting up you BIOS preferences you will find that the "PnP/PCI Config" page will actually tell you which devices are sharing, so all you will have to do is read which slot is by itself.


I also left ACPI enabled myself, not sure why people have disabled it. I have owned my Lanparty NF2 Ultra B for only 2 days, so acquiring knowledge as time goes by myself.


Also remember that typically SB Cards want you to reserve IRQ 5.

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Ok, but i want to know if there are "hidden" sharings as the agp/sata one. I knew ACPI and APIC were two different things...in my actual board i have two different setteings...so i think is also in dfi board... I also read some minutes ago that the 16/9 bios causes usb failure...is this information real?

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:confused: Slot 4 or one up from the bottom slot is not supposed to share in the 'hard-wired' sense. Windoors may in fact stick any dang IRQ it wants to in place for the Audigy card though.


Official bios 6/19 has not been proven to drop the USB, that I know of. Repeat 'official' bios. You got to be careful with all these mod bioses floating around and the many names used by those that just 'know' what they are relating too and where a newer user might not be on the same channel.


Turning OFF APIC in the bios and loading Windoors does "in fact" seem to increase stability for 'some' people. I normally run with APIC turned off when I load WindoorsXP. But you really "should" leave ACPI turned on in the bios when loading WindoorsXP as it causes no troubles that I know of and needs to be turned on for the computer to shutdown correctly when you choose shutdown from Windoors GUI. ACPI off and you try to shutdown from GUI and the thing will shutdown to the screen that says "alrighty now push the power button and hold for 4 seconds>to shut me down" or some silly words to that affect.


Hope this sheds a little lite.

Sincerely, RGone...1ster:cool:

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thank's a lot RGone for you explaination :) But i found this image on the on line manual and i understand that slot 1 is shared with 5, and slot 4 is shared with onboard usb...so slot "supposed to be not shared are 2 and 3 but this is not sure because i read AGP is shared with SATA and this is not stated anywhere....or am i wrong?

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I put by advice my SB Audigy2zs to the 4th PCI slot, with according to bios did not share any IRQ with anything else :rolleyes:


It did not stoped the audioclicks I getting, so I better recommend to use ANY other bios aroun, that allow you to DISABLE CPU disconnection - as this is suggested to fix the problem.


I face damn audio clicks on FSB 210 only, so imagine how bad things could be, when you do something, priming, folding, packing or so and with playing sound you type text.


Clicks! Damn clicks! :mad:


Using 6/19 bios beta, config in sig link :(

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Trodas I can tell you sound blaster clicks are surely related to creative drivers! They are really terrible! Try to update them, i fix my past problems this way...how can you be sure that slot 4 doesn't share irq? Bios in picture i posted says it's shared with usb and that's an image taken by dfi manual...

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Creative drivers are a bit weak to say the least, and SB users who experience problems or just want Better Audio Performance / Quality should Check out these Drivers


I been using them since the Early versions and have not looked back since, Mainly use them as i get Much lower latencies and Do lost of music production work.. couldnt live without em.!!

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