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Official CASE pic thread! 56k BEWARE!!

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I had little time to make this mod as i have onl one machine, but im pleased with it. I hope i dont fall sleep while tweaking the BIOS when overcloking ;-).....


Thats an ASUS STAR ICE COOLER you see there...i guess this mobo and fan cooler are meat to be toguether its fits perfectly, no problems at all....


Reviews: http://www.driverheaven.net/reviews/asusicecooler/






I had more pictures but i lost them :(

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my camera is kinda bad, bought it 2 years ago for like 100$, but I think it's ok tho for being that cheap =p.

Here is my rig:




It's VERY crowded =P, I wanted to have everything in my case so I have 2 small radiators instead of 1 big.




I got direct cooling on the memory using zalman fan bracket




You may wonder if I dont got any harddrives, but I got 2 harddrives on the 5 1/4 bay using A fan controller and a Zalman heatpipe harddisk cooler. I was going to remove the whole harddrive plate at first so I could fit my radiator and pump a little better, but then I thought it might be a good place putting all my wires behind so thats why I haven't removed the whole thing




This is my 3dmark05 scores on everything stock. haven't had too much time ocing it, and my psu is quite weak so..




What you think, any thoughts?



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where is the HDD ? in the dvd trays?

tried it on my case too, but 3 hdds is a hassel : overheated there


Yeah they are in the DVD trays, I dont think mines overheating, just downloaded a temp montior program, and the ones that in the Zalman heatpipe (http://www.zalman.co.kr/eng/product/view.asp?idx=49&code=019)

Is only 34 degrees Celsius and completly soundless!, the ones that in the Fan controller (Cooler Master's "Cooldrive 4") gets around 40C~ and is almost soundless. So I guess its OK =).

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ya... mine reached there almost 50... but it was just sitting there on some plates... i would like some more photos if you dont mind, i have the damier, which is very much the same... it should be nice to see what else i can do that i didnt try :)

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Hehe, I dont think its so much to see, Well I took a picture now:


As u can see i dont use my Fan controller now, it started to acting wierd. Had to shut down the alarm everytime I started my computer, so i grew tired of it and now i use my motherboard as fan connectors instead =P now I just have it becouse its nice looking car-stereo style and to have my HDD in, And for my other HDD on top, u can see the rubber standoff on the zalman heatpipe cooler keeping the drive absolutley viberaton free, And I have a gap between HDD - DVDDrive so the HDD can get some fresh air, that probably explains the temperature diffrence of the drives.

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