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Toaster Sigs (NF2/AthlonXP ONLY!)

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When I right clicked the images the option for my pictures listed it as bitmap when naming it. I got it solved by copying it to paint then shrinking the height to 80 and then saving it as a JPG. I'm sure theres an easier way but at least I got it. For about 5 minutes though the whole system probably had almost a jull page of blanckness under all my posts. Bunk!! But it should be all good now. Maybe I should learn to play with something besides my bios and games :shake: :shake:

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King of Nothing that looks great!I for got to add in my power supply specks,if there is any way can you add one more speck under the samsung HD-add Vantec 520W

If its to late thats ok it looks great.Question iam new to this how is that Toaster Sig going to appear in my stuff on line?Thank You

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Sorry.... I just stuck in what you sent me in your PM. I'll try to stick the Vantec line in when I get a chance. Will you please send me a PM..... so I don't forget. It may be a few days since the computer I make sigs on caught on fire last night. :(


As for making your sig appear..... paste this into your sig and remove the spaces.



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