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E8400 Oc Problems

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What are you using to test stability, COD4 and 3Dmark06???


Check out Orthos/Prime95/OCCT, they are all the download section. Try getting a mild overclock, say 3.8ghz to work on those for something like 8+ hours. Then slowly work your way up from there, your CPU might just be voltage hungry. BTW 4ghz is a 33% OC, thats pretty damn good :)


My E4500 is pretty voltage hungry, i've been upping the thing from 2.2ghz for the past week now and hopefully have got 2.9ghz with a Vcore of 1.42. (290x10) Though I run pretty much 6+ hours of memtest / 12 hours of prime95 for every setting, as I go up so it takes awhile :)

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i know those i use OCCT. i was on a slow climb 3.2 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.0 on so on. guess i'll have to wait for thermalright coolers + mx-2 before trying to get the most out of my system.

meanwhile i just need to get decent memory timings after 5-5-5-15.

any1 here has maximus formula with 1000mhz chips? what timings u use?

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i'm sorry but i'm not familiar with some of the terms u use. what is aioy timings? is that the timings that go after 5-5-5-15?

what is rma? y 4x1gb sucks for overclocking is 2x2gb better?


about the other stuff... i'll buy thermalright cooling for mosfet,nb,sb and try again mayb it's a temp issue.

i had bad sensor with the e8400 that showed 55 with no oc (so i got it replaced). and now i also got bad temp sensor but it shows 42c~38c for both cores so it's ok now i guess.


do u guys know the "safe" temps for sb,nb and cpu for these specs?

No clue what "aoiy" was, I was on my blackberry and the spellcheck does wierd things. Think I ment "auto" - the board may default to timings more aggressive then the default tables the ram is supposed to use. RMA is when you have to return a product when it doesnt perform at stock settings, and 4x1 is not as good as 2x2 since you will always be limited by the slowest stick in dual channel. That means 4 sticks have to be able to reach the same clocks instaed of just 2. Also, there is more stress on the memory bus when it has to address 4 sticks at once instead of just two :)


Hope that clears things up for you!


**edit** Dont go over 1.45v on the cpu on air. The 45nm chips are pretty fragile and do not like a ton of volts. Keeping the temps on the cpu and northbridge down is the biggest thing to look out for...I've found tweaking NB volts and temps help stability a TON. Every chip is different, but my almost identical xeon does 3.7+ghz on the stock rated 1.25v vcore...still waiting for the AS5 to settle to push it more. Even at stock these things are hot...

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i know those i use OCCT. i was on a slow climb 3.2 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.0 on so on. guess i'll have to wait for thermalright coolers + mx-2 before trying to get the most out of my system.

meanwhile i just need to get decent memory timings after 5-5-5-15.

any1 here has maximus formula with 1000mhz chips? what timings u use?



Did you stability test thoroughly on your 'slow climb'?

OCCT is all well and good, but I wouldn't rely on it soley (especially if it's only the half hour or hour tests).


Take a step back and do some testing before deciding on a course of action.

Use OCCT and Prime95/Orthos and run them (preferably multiple times) until they crash.

Record how long they run for before a crash, it's useful information.

Use the info to help you as you change one setting at a time.


It's tedious work, that's for sure, but worth it in the end.


(Also, capital letters after full stops/periods. Makes text easier to read ;) )

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My E8400 Wolfdale does 4.0ghz at 1.30vcore


Personally I think you are over-volting the cpu for no more o/c than you are looking for. I'd have to agree with previous posters, this is a RAM issue, not a cpu/cpu voltage issue. You are already using the most relaxed strap there is. Your best bet is to try a tighter strap and use whatever divider is necessary to keep the RAM at or below it's specified speed at or near stock voltage on the RAM (you may need to bump it just a tad since you are running 4X1gb).


In contrast to some other posters, I haven't had any trouble with my GB board running 4x1gb (I've got G.Skill DDR2 800 HZ's) and they are happily purring along at 950mhz.


Use the same methodology you would overclocking anything else. Reduce RAM frequency and up your FSB until you find max CPU clocks. Then reverse the process, reduce cpu multiplier and start upping RAM frequency until you find max RAM clocks. After you know the maximum clocks on each, you are ready to start combining the two and finding where your max overclock is with both combined.


500fsb is pretty aggressive for your m/b, especially considering that you are running 4X1gb of RAM. That is a lot of load on the n/b. Experiment with different cpu multipliers and ram dividers. A good starting point would be 445X9 using a 2.0D strap. That will put your CPU at 4.0ghz and your RAM at 890Mhz. Try that with about 1.30 - 1.40 vcore and see what happens. Depending on how good your current BIOS is programmed, you may be able to just manually enter your four primary memory timings, memory voltage and leave everything else at Auto for now.

Edited by wevsspot

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At the moment im trying to get my asus rampage to OC my E8400. it just wont. i can hit 400fsb = 3.6ghz with everything on auto, but 10fsb more wont beat, no matter what i do.


as for the ram, im using OCZ SLI pc2-8500 5-5-5-15, 2x 1gb sticks. on my commando they didnt give any problems on there full speed, however on this board, even if i drop them below 1ghz my system just wont boot to windows.


im starting to blame the board it self. ive tried everything i could think of without help. nor can i actually recall anyone doing a great overclock with a X38/48 ROG board with a wolfdale chip.


btw, my cpu did run at 4.2 on a commando motherboard, so that isnt whats holding it back

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ok friends asus just released a bios update which is all about ram compatibility.

Seems like alot of complains were recieved on this issue and asus work on thier bios setups

only if there's a big issue or demands from customers.


Check out asus site mayb your motherboard got update aswell. Flashing bios was easy.

Just format a usb drive to a FAT32 format than copy the bios rom to that drive.

Enter EZ FLASH at bios and update it's that easy. No need for creating boot disk or writing down commands.


I hope things will run alot smoother now. BTW you should really check your NB temp since 47-49c and over

will have great chance for hangs and bootups.


repr. commando is a monster at overclocking so comparing these two boards is not *fair* :lol:

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i have a Maximus Formula.

i have pushed my Xeon E3110 (same chip) to 4.77 530X9 but i did put 1.65 volts into it.

you better have good cooling or a ghetto AC mod to try that.

i can almost see Puck cringing... :lol:

i can also get there with all 4 gigs of ram installed but i have a really good set of 1066 Dominators.

note: i did fry two sticks during the forum wars... :unsure:

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BTW what voltage did u set yer ram that got it fried.

i also managed to fry one of my chips. hope other didn't take permanent damage

it was like 2.39

i heard 2.40 and above is suicide


i also had dominators but the newest revisions which r not so good.

what default volt are your chips at?

if u got revision 1.XXX you got D9's and possibility for KX so these chips should be da bomb

Edited by sunken

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so far my rampage has been an absolute disaster. if i manually change any of the voltages it will crash during loading windows, even if the same settings would work on auto. im also getting random BSOD's here. waiting for a reply from asus......so thatll be a good 2 weeks i guess

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