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Water Cooled Antec 900 w/wire mod.


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I had every intention of doing a very thorough tutorial/review when I decided to start working with this kit. :write: Unfortunately, a series of interruptions, and a vicious case of A.D.D. prevented me from taking step by step photos. Also, it would take me a day and a half to upload them all. The good news is that Swiftech's documentation isn't terrible. I figure a beginner could install this kit if they were patient and had a water cooling friendly case. That said, these pictures, at times, make water cooling look a lot more difficult that it need be if one had a larger case.


Anywho, what you

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That is to keep the pump and memory cool. :P Nice job...



Yea...I had no intentions of watercooling when I bought that 900 a year ago...matter of fact, new900s have predrilled tube holes by the PCI slots...anywho...


Honestly, some one told me it was a stupid idea and wouldn't work...that was my motivation. I like having things you can't buy...thanks fellas! Keep 'clocked!

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