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I don't know I just hooked up my wc setup ( have 2 120mm rads and 2 120x2 rads) and both my bios and my coretemp say that?? maybe they are wrong though :( but I do have the case open and it's not exactly warm in my apt. right now, so maybe it is right, some times it flucuates but it never goes above 20c ( I have not load tested it yet though). I'll post up some built pics here soon :)

There is no possible way to be below ambient unless you have a chiller, peltier, phase change or some device that is cooling the water....

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I don't know I just hooked up my wc setup ( have 2 120mm rads and 2 120x2 rads) and both my bios and my coretemp say that?? maybe they are wrong though :( but I do have the case open and it's not exactly warm in my apt. right now, so maybe it is right, some times it flucuates but it never goes above 20c ( I have not load tested it yet though). I'll post up some built pics here soon :)




ok, now that I got that out of my system. Hopefully I can do this without breaking out a physics book, your temp probe is wrong. It's not possible.


all watercooling is, is just allowing the heat to travel to a larger air cooled radiator. That radiator cannot be cooled by the air below the airs temperature, if the radiator was cooler than the air, then the air would be warming it up. Now there is a possibility that when you first turn on the system that the water could be colder than ambient, and untill the water warms up, you could theoretically have subambient temps. That's theoretically speaking mind you.


anyways, looking forward to the build pics.

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unless using a chiller... below ambient can't happen
There is no possible way to be below ambient unless you have a chiller, peltier, phase change or some device that is cooling the water....



Sub-ambient with regular watercooling is simply impossible. We've all said it before, and I know you've read it before.

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