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New Overclock

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Just built my first system and overclocking:


Using Asus P5K Premium WiFi with Core 2 Quad Q6600 (the G0 Version) and 2GB of Corsair PC2 8500 ram


Gone through all the guides and ran my first test - all ok - then went straight for the higher speed 3.2Ghz (increased the FSB to 356)


Prime 95 (the version that stresses all the cores) ran for 9.5 hours then got an error, so increased the core voltage (now running it at 1.3v) Getting some interesting temperatures from CoreTemp 0.96:


When idle all the cores read about 33 - 35 degrees C


When overclocked at their max they read Core 0=63 Core 1=63 Core 2=59 Core 3=59 - Is this usual? I am using the Thermalright Ultra xtream 120 Cooler. Am I pushing it a bit too hard? and why do some of the cores read lower temps? Have I miss alligned my cooler so it is not covering the CPU correctly?


Any thoughts?

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You may need totighten down the heatsink some more. I think that heatsink uses a positive stop so go till it stops. I load at 44c with my Tuniq tower with 1.475 on my 6750 at 3.8Ghz. It is normal for the core temperatures to read different temps. My quad has an 8C spread and loads at 56 with 1.493 volts at 3.6Ghz.

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the screws for it do have positive stops.

my QX6800 idles at 46, 40, 34, and 36.

load does not exceed 65C.

that is at 475x8 3.8Ghz and 1.45 volts.

i do have two fans installed in a push pull config though.

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I'm using arctic silver 5 - going to re-sit the cooler - have 3 Noctua fans - one at the front of the case sucking in, one at the back blowing out and one on the cooler


How on earth are some of you getting such a big overclock with such a low temperature (on air)?


after 11 hours core 0 failed - should I up the volts to 3.5 or try increasing the north or southbridge volts?



Edited by eon_designs

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Just a bit of an update:


Loaded a newer Bios, and re-fitted the cooler - the overclock temperature is now reaching a max of 54 degs C - most of the time staying around 50 degs C


Never thought that changing the Bios would have that amount of impact.


Prime95 running fine at the moment - will let it run overnight and see what happens.


Still if any of you have any other comments or pointers that will help please pass them on.



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the reason they are all getting such low temps is because they have been doing this stuff for a while. ;) You kinda learn as you go, you can only learn so much from instructions most of it is real life experience. and a good thermal paste ;)

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Just a bit of an update:


Loaded a newer Bios, and re-fitted the cooler - the overclock temperature is now reaching a max of 54 degs C - most of the time staying around 50 degs C


Never thought that changing the Bios would have that amount of impact.


Prime95 running fine at the moment - will let it run overnight and see what happens.


Still if any of you have any other comments or pointers that will help please pass them on.



More than likely it was reseting the cooler that dropped your temps unless your reading temps with the bios and there was a known issue with that board/bios and the update fixed it. Most of the time bios reading are not correct. I use coretemp to monitor my temperatures...

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Thank for all that - really helps.


Have done a little bit more playing around -


running at 3.3Ghz (367*9) idle temps 33 - 34 Load temps on average 58 - 59 however every now and again it goes to 61 (running Prime 95 on all 4 cores for over 9 hours and still no errors)


The room it is in is lovely and warm, which may account for some of the higher temps. However, it is looking a little better.


How do the temps look? Is 61 still too hot for this chip? If it is then i'll just have to drop back a little


Many thanks.

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