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Weird Windows Answer To Problem


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Just make sure your case speaker is hooked up :lol:.

lol, I've got no choice on that one...my case speaker is permanently attached to my foxconn motherboard. It beeps any time I changed any volume setting...it makes me very angry because I can't disable it...

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lol, I've got no choice on that one...my case speaker is permanently attached to my foxconn motherboard. It beeps any time I changed any volume setting...it makes me very angry because I can't disable it...

Those soldering points ARE pretty weak... ;)

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Tis true but my little speaker is completely surrounded by capacitors. Trying to bend or pop it out is, knowing my horrible luck, going to cause more harm than good. So as a ghetto fix, I threw some electrical tape over the little hole and it muffled a good majority of the sound. I'm pretty sure there are more cable ties, twist-ties and pieces of tape holding my computer together than actual screws. :lol:

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lol, cool. though if they are getting it to play music, why cant it be "your cpu fan is failing, you voltages are wrong" lol
Good point... :unsure:


At first I thought it was a spoof, I actually stumbled upon it from well... erm... StumbleUpon, I was like "NO WAY" but then I looked up and saw "http://support.microsoft" so it had to be legitimate...

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