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Should I step up?


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So, I have the 8800Gt and it rocks!


But, should I step up to the new 8800GTS 512mb?


My GT is also 512mb

with clocks at 650 and 950


would the new GTS be worth it??


would cost me about $75



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I was thinking the same thing, I have an 8800gt also. Since mine cost about 300 dollars and I got quake wars for free, stepping up to the 512 would be the price of Crysis, which I don't have yet. The only thing I am afraid of is another videocard coming out within 3 months.

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Thats a tough call. I really like my 8800GTS, even with it being at stock speeds. But, Im not sure if it would be worth the time and $75 to upgrade for only a few % performance increase... then again you can always overclock nicely with its 2 slot cooler.

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So, I have the 8800Gt and it rocks!


But, should I step up to the new 8800GTS 512mb?


My GT is also 512mb

with clocks at 650 and 950


would the new GTS be worth it??


would cost me about $75




wow you really must be bored! first it's the water block, then the IHS, now the video card. Jeeeez. but If I were you I might just wait for the newer cards seeing how the 8800gts isn't that much better.

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I would personally wait until the last possible minute even if i WAS going to make that step-up in an attempt to see if something better comes out within your 90 day step-up range.



O but there is, the duel GPU G92 based graphics card coming out on Feb 19th. Do wait till the last minute, as long as you call EVGA before your time runs out you ok.




By systemlord at 2007-12-24

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O but there is, the duel GPU G92 based graphics card coming out on Feb 19th.

You may remember the last time nvidia released something that looks kinda similar...




Based on current heat levels I would say it looks like the same compromise as the 7950 GX2 cards, we'll double the # of chips, but have to drop the clock speeds to make it stable. With Tri-SLI options out now unless this hits a new low pricepoint for the performance I'm going to assume it'll be a similar flop much like the 7 series equal.


But that's another story for another day once they actually hit stores and review sites :)

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Guest happyday999

Persoanlly I advice you to stay with your 8800Gt, they are better than the 8800Gts in the performance.

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