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UF Student tasered at John Kerry Speech


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See post #21...

I never heard his rights read either...

You're told your rights after you're under arrest, and not while you're being arrested and thrashing around. Post #21 is such a broad and unfounded statement that most have just skipped right over it.


Also, the state defines your rights to resist arrest. According to this, resisting arrest non-violently is a misdemeanor. You do not have a right to resist arrest in Florida.. Given his actions, the police could have considered his resistance a threat to the surrounding area.


Resisting arrest with violence is a felony under Florida law. Resisting arrest without violence or offering to do violence is a misdemeanor. You could be convicted of either of these crimes, even if you were found not guilty of the crime for which you were arrested.


See above.



The officer may employ all reasonable and necessary force to overcome resistance in making a lawful arrest.


In the eyes of the officers and of anyone who actually understands the tiers of acceptable force, the arresting officers did not use excessive force. The arrestee was making multiple attempts at evading the officers and was trying to cause a scene. A taser is very minimal in the amount of force that could have been applied had the event escalated, which usually involves physical incapacitation through other means such as mace, use of items such as clubs or the officers body to disable the other person, and as a very last resort, when an officer's life or the lives of the public are in danger, use of deadly force. A taser is not deadly force in any way, a subject we've visited in the past. The moron is lucky that's all he got, as there are plenty of officers who would have thrown him down on the ground and given him a beating that would have rivaled Rodney King.

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The officer may employ all reasonable and necessary force to overcome resistance in making a lawful arrest.


you have made my point...

you have the right to resist unlawful arrest.

the chances of you getting away with exersizing that right.

slim to none...


in my case i had done absolutely nothing wrong, and was physically attacked by 3 cops.

even though one of them ended up with a broken nose...

i was found innocent of all charges, and asked if i wanted to press charges for the unwarranted attack.

you can be sure that the playing of the entire security video was the only reason i was not thrown in jail.


when a policeman arrests you, he must place his hand upon you, and announce that you are under arrest.

until he has done so, you are not resisting.


this will also get swept under the carpet unless there is some sort of evidence the authorites cannot sweep away.


rights in the US are trod upon on a daily basis.


the best thing to do is comply.

saying yes sir and no sir doesn't hurt either.


the kid wanted attention.

he just got more then he planned on... hehe

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The arrest was lawful. Read up on the background info. You seem to be missing the entire point.


I'm sorry, but wow... if you really believe all that, then... wow.


I've seen this used on many other forums, that it was a lwful arrest.


May I ask what law he broke?



And don't start going on the whole 'oh but he resisted arrest' bull crap, he had to have broken a law to be arrested.



I just came across what I believe to be a very good post from a user on the Head-Fi forums, I quote:

When did Americans get so weak that they're scared of everything and cheerlead all actions which could potentially stop all imagined worse case scenarios? It's like we're living in 24 and functioning on the lowest common denominator. Did the world really change that much in the last half a decade? Man, we live in such strange, sad times.



And here's another:

He was subdued long before the tazer came out. 3 guards physically had him in their grasp. THREE! And the tazer was necessary? For an average height, average weight, average build student? Pathetic.



Also, they almost had him at the door, why didn't they just drag/toss him outside?

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Did you read the other articles posted up? Really. Your statements are making little sense, and he was not subdued long before the tasing. He was removed from the platform because his time was up and he refused to get off. He started resisting (resisting an officer is illegal), and as Xinul stated, disturbing the peace (civil unrest).


I appologize if all law enforcement officials I've talked to about this agree on what happened was right, but Johnny the 18 year old college Freshman disagrees online.

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Did you read the other articles posted up? Really. Your statements are making little sense, and he was not subdued long before the tasing. He was removed from the platform because his time was up and he refused to get off. He started resisting (resisting an officer is illegal), and as Xinul stated, disturbing the peace (civil unrest).
It may be "the law" but do you believe as an American that it is correct under all circumstances?


I believe that unless the person is drunk (in a the drivers seat of a vehicle or about to be), or has already or has intent on physically harming anyone than they should not be tasered...


As stated before for what reason other than "they can" did they taser the kid, I mean 3 police officers couldn't subdue the guy?

What would have been wrong with bringing the guy out side (and don't tell me the police couldn't have,there were multiple officers twice his size present) and not letting him back in?



Civil unrest?


I call it blatant misuse of authority and a disgrace to the Constitution...


Call me what you will, those are my opinions and I'm stickin' with 'em... ;)

Edited by Andrewr05

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KB, I ask you again, why did they not just throw him out? They were right to the door.



Resisting arrest is unlawful only if the arrest is lawful. This was not a lawful arrest. I understood that those cops were security too. Not rent-a-cop security, but actual cops being security 'guards'. Regardless, I was under the impression that security guards cannot arrest you.


Also, what do you say to the quotes?

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