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lol @ silly anti-abortionists


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The law as it currently stands is perfect the way it is. Letting a woman do what she wants with her body is totally her decision. We don't need some stupid government regulations restricting what she can or cannot do with her body, and that's pretty much the essence of our current law.


We allow for abortions till the end of the first trimester for personal reasons, and for medical reasons for the second and third trimesters. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. If a woman has been knowingly pregnant for 4 months, chances are she isn't going to abort the baby just for kicks.


I think this whole "abortion is morally reprehensible" argument is a bunch of bull. Just because it's against YOUR beliefs that it means you can restrict it. It's called pro-CHOICE for a reason



So I should be able to choose to do whatever I want with my body? Ok, let me go get the Jagermeister. Given that we should be able to do what we want with our bodies, right? Got any drugs on you? They do stuff to our body, and can have negative effects on the body (abortion does too, believe it or not). And let's not forget that the baby isn't counted as a human untill it's out of the birth canal.



Yup, we should be allowed to do whatever we want with our bodies :thumbs-up:.


My stance on abortion? I believe it shouldn't be done unless it's for the best of interests. There are things called adoption centers for a reason. And for those who don't want to entirely give up their child, there's open adoption (refer to Mom At Sixteen, a Lifetime orignal movie, tonight at 9, 8 Central, only on Lifetime: Television for Women!).

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What about the baby's choice? I bet it would choose to live.

Don't be so sure of that. If I were given the opportunity to go back in time and somehow make myself non-existent, I would do it. Nobody ever asked me if I wanted to be born. I don't know about anyone else, but I would take non-existence over all the crap that I've been through any day. :rolleyes:

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I don't know about anyone else, but I would take non-existence over all the crap that I've been through any day. :rolleyes:


I'm sorry you feel that way, but that's your choice. Just because you're miserable, it doesn't mean everyone else is.

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Don't be so sure of that. If I were given the opportunity to go back in time and somehow make myself non-existent, I would do it. Nobody ever asked me if I wanted to be born. I don't know about anyone else, but I would take non-existence over all the crap that I've been through any day. :rolleyes:

I just couldn't help this one.


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So I should be able to choose to do whatever I want with my body? Ok, let me go get the Jagermeister. Given that we should be able to do what we want with our bodies, right? Got any drugs on you? They do stuff to our body, and can have negative effects on the body (abortion does too, believe it or not). And let's not forget that the baby isn't counted as a human untill it's out of the birth canal.

Yup, we should be allowed to do whatever we want with our bodies :thumbs-up:.


My stance on abortion? I believe it shouldn't be done unless it's for the best of interests. There are things called adoption centers for a reason. And for those who don't want to entirely give up their child, there's open adoption (refer to Mom At Sixteen, a Lifetime orignal movie, tonight at 9, 8 Central, only on Lifetime: Television for Women!).


You're comparing doing drugs to having a child? Great analogy there buddy. Last I checked, having an abortion doesn't turn you into a junky and lose control of your senses to the extent that you can hurt somebody else. Drinking alcohol is far worse than having an abortion, but I wonder why half the country isn't up in arms to make alcohol illegal. Oh that's right, I know why. It's because all those pro-lifers love getting piss drunk at their ridiculous NASCAR games <_< (see, I can generalize too, but at least I can do it more coherently).


Oh, and as for the whole adoption thing. How about you go and get pregnant for 9 months and let us know if it was a pleasant experience.

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You're comparing doing drugs to having a child? Great analogy there buddy. Last I checked, having an abortion doesn't turn you into a junky and lose control of your senses to the extent that you can hurt somebody else. Drinking alcohol is far worse than having an abortion, but I wonder why half the country isn't up in arms to make alcohol illegal. Oh that's right, I know why. It's because all those pro-lifers love getting piss drunk at their ridiculous NASCAR games <_< (see, I can generalize too, but at least I can do it more coherently).

lol, having kids is as bad as doing drugs. Both completely destroy your life and stay with you after the deed is done slowly draining away your life and money. Don't believe me? Try sharing a room with a new-born. Have fun trying to sleep.


They also did try making alcohol illegal. It was a little thing called the prohibition. You know, Al Capone and all that jazz.

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Its not alive until its born.


Birth - n. The beginning of life


You cant kill something that isn't alive yet. And if you view it as alive, it isn't sentient yet.


People are always saying that they would want to be born. Well, they cant want, until they can think.


Then they might argue that they have the potential to be the next Gandhi, or Mother Theresa. Well, they also have just as much potential to be the next Hitler, or Stalin. But in all likelihood, they'd probably just end up as another desk jockey spending their life in a cubicle at a job they hate living the same miserable life as we are.


These people are so against death, but most of them eat meat.

If death is bad, how can you eat that? We raise those animals to kill them, abortions are to spare a child from a world that isn't ready for it, and cant take care of it.


These people are hypocrites, and they don't own up to it, which makes them even more hypocritical.


Well, I know where I stand. I eat meat. I hate cubicles. I'm a hypocrite. And I am pro choice.

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Then they might argue that they have the potential to be the next Gandhi, or Mother Theresa.


Hey man, every sperm is sacred ;) Im not a fan of that argument either.

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