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Black Beasty Project - Not 56k Friendly


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I was just wondering when you were going to update. :) Everything's looking good so far. That black paint is a huge improvment over the original gray. At least the main part of the case is done. After all, you don't need the side panels to install everything and get it running. ;)


What process did you use for painting?


Is the radiator squeezed in there or is it just a close fit?

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I was just wondering when you were going to update. :) Everything's looking good so far. That black paint is a huge improvment over the original gray. At least the main part of the case is done. After all, you don't need the side panels to install everything and get it running. ;)


What process did you use for painting?


Is the radiator squeezed in there or is it just a close fit?


Yep lucky i got some paint left, i was going to give it a final coat, but thou i best save some for touch ups.


Well i sanded the metal down to start with then use white sprit to clean the case down to remove any oils. Then used a cheap undercoat, and then used a car black gloss for the main paint, its got around 4-5 layers now, and has a real gloss to it, i knocked it a few times, and its holded up really well, not chips, its had a day or so on layers to dry, and on some small areas prone to runs, i used a hair dryer to just get the paint to dry that little quicker to stop blemishes (hair dryer is great i found for that). And then finally just a quick coat of clear on top of it.


The Rad itself is raised up at the bottom, hard to see it in the pic, but its a close fit that way, plus it allows me to use the new shelf i made for the drive bay as a support then as well. I used a double sided foam to also dampen the Rad/Fans to help with vibration, just in case.


Plan on installing the mother board today, and hopefully fitting the pump and res also, leaving it till i get my other 2 fans to come to finally complete the Rad setup.


Then i can get my head on this wiring, and installing the new led system i got :)

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And now with the side panels on, you can see the grey of the panel :( dang pain :cursing:

it's easy enough to paint the other side of a panel though :P


Oh the fun, getting close now, i can taste that water already :)

mmmm, deionised water and additives... tasty :lol:

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it's easy enough to paint the other side of a panel though :P

mmmm, deionised water and additives... tasty :lol:



Yep sure is thankfully, just had enough paint left to do it as well :)


Time for another update thou , well from yesterday i been still working on it, and as listed last time i did the Rad flush and some other items, but here's some more pic's


if ya board and fancy a look.




Well here's my dtek on my board now :)




And my board in my case with my dtek :P




Not bad so far, mounted all the parts back into the computer and start work on my led that i wanted to get running,


and then mounted the Res, and thought would be a great time to test run the water system, so here she is now doing


my 24-72 hour test loop, i got her running in a strange way i guess, but ended up with Res > Pump > Rad > CPU > Res.


This is due to the location of the mounting, i could not find a decent place to mount it all :P

Anyways here some pic's of here all built near on and testing :)












Still waiting for the fan to turn up, but once there here i should be ready for the final fitting and wiring back up


the board itself, and finally tidy of the wiring looms.

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Wow! Bright enough for you? :lol:


I like the placement of the reservoir. What mix of fluids did you decide on? Are you planning on shortening those tubes when you move the radiator and pump into the case?

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That looks REALLY good. How much did you pay for water?


Cheers for commentsm, it is look ok now :) The water for this 24/72 test/flush cost around

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Well i gave up waiting today for my fans to arrive and went out to the local shop and brought some myself there, so finally after spending the day getting it all done here she is....... :)


Pic build complete with no water.....









And here's the water finally in......











And the case and side panel on no power thou.





Well she sure taken a while to do, but she really worth it, currently reinstalling vista now, and getting it all up and running, starting to get dark so have to take some more pic's again of her all alight :)


So was it worth it, well yer, it was a great learning curve, and looks really nice sat here, but now she running 3.5g no issues at all, so yep i one happy bunny.


Thank to you all thats helps with advice along the way.

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